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Septage Receiving Facility

Permitted Septage HaulersEPD has a State licensed Septage Receiving Facility (SRF). Septage is received from Manchester and the towns of Bedford, Goffstown, Londonderry, Candia and Auburn. Most of the septage comes from residential homes. Some is from commercial establishments.

The SRF receives the largest percentage of septage during the months of May through October. There is much less septage taken to the facility during the winter months due to snow cover and access issues to individual septic systems. EPD receives over six (6) million gallons of septage annually.


Licensing Septage Haulers

EPD has a "State of the Art" weighing and monitoring system, that is subject to regulations as established by the State of NH Division of Weights & Measures, for septage trucks. EPD is responsible for calibrating septage trucks as part of the hauler permitting process. All new trucks are calibrated for tare weight and capacity before discharging is allowed.


RV Dump Station

Monday - Saturday | 7:00am - 7:00pm

Manchester also has a manhole with a 4" port for the purpose of RV dumping.  This manhole is located to the north of the Administration Building in the roadway between the large pump station building and the small metering station building (neither building has windows).  There is no fee for dumping RV waste from a personal camper.