Home » Departments » Highway » Streets


The Department of Public Works designs, installs, and maintains Manchester's public streets, traffic signals, signs, street lights, and storm drainage required to ensure safe travel.

Road Closures

Check for announcements about current and upcoming road closures due to events, street repairs, snow removal, utility maintenance, or other reasons.

Street Repairs and Improvements

Review our street condition map, learn about the different types of road repairs, and view long-term paving plans.


Learn how we improve sidewalk accessibility and how the City's 50/50 program can defray half the cost of residential sidewalk and curb installations. 

Street Sweeping

The Highway Division crews sweep City streets and public school parking lots from early spring through late fall.  Learn about schedules and priorities.

Graffiti Removal

Has your property or street been defaced by graffiti?  Learn about our free graffiti removal program.  Some limitations apply.

Sewer and Storm Water Improvements

The Highway Division works collaboratively with the Environmental Protection Division to maintain and improve sewers and storm drains.

Did You Know?

Manchester has over 400 miles of public streets, 250 miles of sidewalks, 9,000 street lights, 150 traffic signals, 10,000 catch basins, and 200 miles of drainage pipe.