Curbside Collection
The City collects trash curbside along public streets throughout Manchester. Crews collect trash from approximately 24,000 residential and commercial stops every week, providing service to over 100,000 customers. Over 37,000 tons of trash are collected in a typical year.
Municipal curbside collection of trash is subject to State and local regulations designed to protect the safety of collection crews, minimize the use of landfills, and prevent hazardous wastes from damaging environmental resources.
How to Purchase Cart
Prohibited Materials (Not Allowed in Carts)
- Construction/demolition debris
- Electronics with video displays, video recorders/players, and hard drives
- Hazardous materials and wastes (including mercury-containing products)
- Infectious or radioactive wastes
- Consult What Goes Where? to see how to dispose of these and other items.
Correct Placement of Cart
Carts must be placed in a location that allows for access by collection equipment and crews.

- Place all trash inside a green, City-approved trash cart.
- Place cart at the edge of the road, without blocking sidewalks, by 7:00 AM of your collection day.
- Make sure cart is at least two-feet from all other carts, as well as any trees, mailboxes, parked vehicles, or miscellaneous objects.
- The handle and wheels must face toward your home or business (away from the street).
- Lid must be fully closed.
- Limit the weight of trash in any one container to 75 pounds
- Cart must not be located behind parked vehicles, behind other carts, or obstructed by snow banks.
- Carts must be placed on the street side of the curb (if present).
- Carts must be placed in front of the property at which the trash was generated, unless an alternative placement has been agreed to by the Department of Public Works.
- Where availability of on-street parking is adversely affected, the Department of Public Works may require that carts be placed in front of the owner’s driveway, or along a nearby stretch of street where parking is prohibited.
Empty containers shall be removed from the right-of-way, and stored on the property to which they belong, no later than 6:00 PM on the day of collection.
How to Start New Trash Collection
If you have just moved to Manchester, municipal collection services are automatically activated for your property as part of the city's tax-funded services. There is no need to contact the City to activate collection, unless your property has always been eligible but has not yet received municipal collection.
Overflow happens when all of the trash does not fit into the trash cart with the trash cart lid completely closed. Overflow can be brought to the Drop Off Facility (fees may apply).

Residential Only - Overflow Bags Available
To accommodate the occasional week when occupants of a property may have more trash than will fit in their green carts, the City has introduced an overflow collection policy. The options below are available only to residential properties on their normal collection day.
- Trash must be in DPW-issued Overflow Collection Bags*
- Bag contents must weigh under 40-pounds
- Single-family homes - maximum 4 bags per calendar year
- Two-family homes - maximum 8 bags max per calendar year
- Properties with 3 or more units - maximum 12 bags max per calendar year

* Overflow Collection Bags are extra-large (32 x 42-inch), specially-marked, orange contractor bags. They may be obtained for free from the Department of Public Works, 475 Valley Street, during regular business hours. Proof of residency is required. The distribution of bags is restricted to the above-mentioned limits.
Alternative Disposal Options
Additional Resources