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Recycling Collection

2-wheeled blue, plastic recycling cart

Curbside and Drop Off 

The City collects recyclables along public streets throughout Manchester. The service is contracted to Pinard Waste Systems. In addition, recyclables are accepted at the Drop Off Facility. Recycling is not mandatory unless your property is located in the Downtown Collection Zone. Why recycle? Recycling minimizes the need for landfill space, conserves natural resources, and reduces the air pollution and energy usage associated with mining of raw materials.


How to Purchase Cart

Correct Placement of Cart 

Throughout most of Manchester, recyclables are collected using an automated process. To receive service, you must:

  • Place all recycling inside a blue, City-approved recycling cart.
  • Place cart at the edge of the road, without blocking sidewalks, by 7:00 AM of your collection day.
  • Make sure your cart is at least three feet from any obstruction, with the handles and wheels facing your home or business.

Blue recycling cart in front of curb, with handles and wheels facing the house

What to Recycle

The following items may be placed in your blue recycling cart:

  • Container plastics #1-7 (except Styrofoam and PVC)
  • Tin, steel and aluminum containers
  • Glass bottles
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Metal lids to jars or bottles

Pictures of different reycling such as newspaper, cardboard, cans, tin foil, and bottles with the words: "Yes! What goes in the recycle bin? Paper (newspaper, magazines, office paper, paper bags), cardboard (shipping boxes, cereal boxes, egg cartons, ice cream cartons, paper towel rolls), plastic bottles (packaging, milk jugs, shampoo bottles), metal cans (soda cans, beer cans, soup and vegetable cans, tin foil) and glass bottles and jars (beer bottles, mason jars, pickle jars)."

What NOT to Recycle

  • Plastic bags
  • Garbage
  • Yard waste
  • Styrofoam
  • Ceramics or dishes
  • Motor oil containers
  • Hazardous waste
  • Light bulbs
  • Plate glass
  • Bulk metal

Pictures of food waste, plastic forks, styrofoam take out container, liquid coffee, ceramic mug, black plastic bags, leaves and tree branches, and pillows and the following words "No! What is not allowed in recycle bins? Bagged items, batteries, bedding, clothing, electronics, food, liquids, plastic bags, plastic utensils, styrofoam and yard waste."

What about textiles and clothing?

Textiles (clothing, shoes, bedding, and more) make up approximately 6% of our waste stream. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average US resident throws away more than 85 pounds of textiles each year. Manchester has partnered with HELPSY and WasteZero to provide residents with a free and easy way of recycling their textiles - curbside collection. Schedule your curbside collection of textiles.

How to Recycle 

  • Keep it loose - Do not put bags of items in the cart. Do not bag up your recycling.
  • Curbside collection is single stream. All items can be placed together in your blue recycling cart! 
  • Collection is weekly in most areas with more frequent pickups downtown. If your property is in the Downtown Collection Zone, you receive service three days per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).
  • Recycling downtown is mandatory if your property is in the Downtown Collection Zone.  To determine if you fall within this zone, email the Highway Division.
  • Drop Off Facility - Not eligible for curbside service?  Have more recycling this week than will fit in your cart? Bring your recylables to the Drop Off Facility.

Additional Resources