There are over 250 miles of sidewalks in Manchester.
50/50 Residential Sidewalk/Curb Program
About the Program
The 50/50 Residential Sidewalk/Curb Program was established to help defray the cost of improvements made to residential sidewalks and curbing. This program is conditional upon funding from the Board of Mayor and Alderman.
The Work
Construction work performed through the 50-50 Program is done by a professional contractor hired by the city through a competitive bidding process. The Highway Department puts out a bid for the work annually, therefore the unit prices will invariably change from year to year. The cost of each project is based on the unit prices received by the lowest responsible bidder and is split 50/50 between the City and the Homeowner.
Because the city awards the contract through a competitive bidding process, we are able to review the qualifications of each contractor before allowing them to bid. All contractors are required to show an ability to perform the work, post a sizable bond to ensure a quality product, and hold an insurance certificate protecting the homeowner and the city from liability claims.
In having sidewalk and curb work done through the 50-50 Program, the homeowner is freed of the administration of the contract, the solicitation of bids (estimates), the layout of the desired work, and the inspection of the final product as well as monitoring throughout the construction process.
All work done through the 50-50 Program is inspected by a professional engineer for conformance to the City's Standard Specifications.
Program Policies
Financial contribution from the City to property owners for sidewalk and/or curb construction is only available through the 50-50 Program.
This program is only available for the construction or reconstruction of curb and/or sidewalks immediately along the frontage of properties exclusively within the City of Manchester.
This program is not available for work outside of the City’s right of way.
If the construction of a sidewalk necessitates the construction of a retaining wall, the homeowner is responsible for the cost and construction of said wall before construction on the sidewalk will commence. The retaining wall is to be constructed such that no part of said wall is within the City’s right of way.
Asphalt curb is not available through this program.
This program is not to be used to satisfy conditions set forth by the City, i.e. Site Plan approval, Subdivision approval, Zoning Board approval, etc.
Requesting Work
Complete Application for a sidewalk or curb (or both). The applicant must provide all pertinent information, such as the name, address and phone number of the Homeowner, the scope of work being requested, and any other required information. The City Clerk’s office will process the application and forward a copy to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen and the Highway Department.
Determining the Cost
A representative of the Highway Department will visit the site, take measurements and produce a construction estimate based on the current unit prices. This is done at no cost or obligation to the Homeowner. Once the cost of the proposed construction has been determined, and funding for the matching funds have been approved by the Mayor and Aldermen, the estimate is forwarded to the homeowner outlining their portion of the cost.
If, after reviewing the cost of the requested work, the homeowner wishes to have the construction done, he/she must send or deliver a check or money order to the Highway Department (made out to the City of Manchester) and formally notify the Department to proceed with the work. Once the homeowner’s portion of the cost has been received, the matching funds for that project are then encumbered. Once all matching funds are encumbered, the program is closed to any additional projects.
Completing the Work
Since the City matching funds are not available until the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1st), it is likely that construction will not begin on any projects until after that time. This means that although petitions are received throughout the year, construction will not begin until after July 1st. Because of the popularity of this program, there are very many locations of individual projects throughout the city. Since construction can not begin until after the funds are received, and because of the large number of locations of individual projects, it is not unusual for construction to begin on a project well after July. Most projects will be completed by November 15th. Although unlikely, some projects may be carried over into the following spring.
Curb Cuts

Curb Cuts Before

Curb Cuts After
The Sidewalk Accessibility Program identifies and corrects accessibility issues in locations within the City's network of sidewalks.
The City of Manchester takes accessibility very seriously and has made a concerted effort to make all new and reconstructed sidewalks accessible to all.
Since 1977 over 1,600 curb cuts have been constructed at a cost of more than one million dollars. As much progress as we've made, we are still not finished making sidewalks throughout the City accessible to all.
If you know of a location where a curb cut is needed please notify the Highway Department. The location will be reviewed and considered for construction when a contract is put out to bid for this work.
Other Sidewalk Projects
Downtown Sidewalk Improvements

School Sidewalk Program
When the City of Manchester reconstructs a street, the sidewalk is generally reconstructed at the same time. Sidewalks are typically constructed of asphalt and granite is used for the curbing.
When funded however, new sidewalks are built, and old sidewalks are rebuilt along routes leading to schools, and routes along streets considered "Key Streets".
Although most sidewalks are built at a maximum width allowed by the right of way in place, circumstances can allow for a narrower sidewalk, and some conditions warrant a wider sidewalk, depending on vehicular traffic, the amount of use expected and construction limitations; but a minimum width of eight feet is usually recommended to facilitate snow removal.