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All work involving developments or improvements, including but not limited to, curb, sidewalk, drainage & sewer improvements related to development properties on any city street or right of way shall be inspected by the Department of Public Works, Engineering Division.  The Contractor shall execute an Inspection Services Agreement and agree to the following Inspection Terms and Conditions:

The Contractor shall inform the inspector assigned to the project of his proposed work schedule and shall notify the inspector at least 2 working days in advance of all work requiring inspection. If inspection services requested need to be cancelled or changed, a 24 hour notice is required.   If the contractor fails to provide a 24 hour notice to cancel or reschedule inspection services, a minimum charge of 3 hours will be assessed.   The Contractor will be assessed the current hourly rate for inspectors, including time and one-half overtime. 

All inspectors shall be given access to work areas and materials being used.  The Contractor must provide assistance, when requested, to complete a detailed inspection.  No work shall be backfilled or covered without inspection. No work shall be done at night contrary to local ordinances. Any work completed without prior inspection may be ordered removed and replaced at the contractor’s expense.  

Inspection services will be provided only after all necessary permits have been obtained. Approval of work inspected by the Department of Public Works relative to site development and subdivision projects shall not be construed as partial or final acceptance of the projects. When any unit of government or political subdivision or any railroad corporation has an interest in the work, its respective representatives shall have the right to inspect the work.

Final acceptance of all roadway, sewer, drain, bound installation and approval of as-built drawings will be made by the City of Manchester Planning Board when all the work is satisfactorily completed per the approved plans and specifications