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EPD Billing Rates

Per the Code of Ordinance Title V Chapter 52, Section 52.095 Sewer Rental Charges consist of a sewer usage charge and a service charge as follows:

USAGE CHARGE (Section 52.160)

Residential and Commercial premises usage charge is computed based on the number of cubic feet of water consumed on the premises as metered by the Water Works at the rate per 100 cubic feet as follows:

  • Standard Rate - $4.63/100 cf (effective 4/01/24)
  • Discount Rate - $2.32/100 cf (effective 4/01/24)

Note:  Discount Rate available for those citizens who receive the Optional Adjusted Elderly Exemption at the Tax Assessor’s Office.

Industrial establishments permitted through the Industrial Pretreatment Program shall be computed under the usage charge formula based on the unit costs as follows:

  • TSS:   $45.18 x Reading x .01 (100lb Units of TSS)  (effective 4/01/24)
  • BOD:  $45.18 x Reading x .01 (100lb Units of BOD)  (effective 4/01/24)
  • Flow:  $4.31 x Reading x .001 (1,000 gallon units of Flow)  (effective 4/01/24)

Non-metered premises usage charge is based on the average consumption for comparable structures as determined by the Chief Sanitary Engineer.  The average consumption determined is 2600 cubic feet per unit for a single family, 3500 cubic feet for two (2) unit buildings, and 1600 cubic feet per unit for three (3) or more multi-unit buildings.  Owners may have metering facilities installed at their own expense.  Installations must be requested in writing and conform to EPD policy.

SERVICE CHARGE (Section 52.097)

Service charges shall be payable by the owner of the real estate whether or not the premises are occupied.  All service charges shall be at the rates provided in Section 52.160.  In the case of structures containing multiple dwelling units or any combination of dwelling units, commercial establishment, or industrial establishments, a separate service charge shall be payable for each dwelling unit, commercial and/or industrial establishment.

Standard Rate [or Discount Rate if applicable] per Quarter

  • $28.30 per unit – Residential Single Dwelling Unit Structures  (effective 4/01/24)
    ​[$14.15 per unit]   (effective 4/01/24)
  • $28.30 per unit – Condo/Condex Structures  (effective 4/01/24)
    [No discount available]
  • $18.01 per unit – Mulit Family/Apartment Structures   (effective 4/01/24)
    [$9.01 per unit]   (effective 4/01/24]
  • $38.60 per unit – Commercial Establishments   (effective 4/01/24)
    [$19.30 per unit]   (effective 4/01/24)
  • $79.76 per unit – Industrial Establishments  (effective 4/01/24)
    [No discount available]


Residential Establishments: Buildings intended for providing full-time living accommodations as opposed to commercial or industrial establishments.

Condo/Condex: For billing purposes is defined as buildings, serviced by at least one (1) water meter, with two (2) or more dwelling units which are assessed as separate properties by the Tax Assessor’s Office.

Multi Family: For billing purposes is defines as a building, serviced by at least one (1) water meter, with two (2) or more dwelling units, which is assessed as a single property by the Tax Assessor’s Office.

Commercial Establishment: For billing purposes shall mean any business or professional concern which provides a service and shall include any such concern occupying one or more rooms for the sole purpose of conducting a business in a building with available sanitary facilities where such facilities are located within the space occupied by such concern or elsewhere in the building.

Industrial Establishment: For purposes of billing shall mean any business concern which manufactures or produces a product.

Dwelling Unit: A single living quarter arranged for the use of one or more individuals, with cooking, living, sanitary, and sleeping facilities.