Since 2000, the Manchester Urban Ponds Restoration Program (Program) has coordinated 120 volunteer cleanups at Manchester's urban ponds. Other groups have coordinated 14 additional cleanups at the urban ponds / or have been assisted by the Program in doing so. Thus, a total of 134 volunteer cleanups have occurred at Manchester's urban ponds.
Over the past 25 seasons of cleanups, 1,390 volunteers have spent approximately 4,327 hours collecting 2,893 bags of trash! This does not include the items illegally “dumped” such as shopping carts (117), tires (464), car batteries, other car parts, construction debris, and other items. In addition, the value of volunteer time spent at these clean-ups has amounted to over $103,511.00 over these past 25 seasons!
Thank you to all volunteers who helped out over the years!