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Industrial Pretreatment

Welcome to the City of Manchester’s Industrial Pretreatment Site.

Our Purpose:

The Federal Clean Water Act was enacted in 1972 to eliminate discharges of pollutants into navigable waters to achieve water that is both “swimmable” and “fishable”.  The focus of the federal program has been on direct municipal and industrial point sources that discharge to a receiving stream and on indirect industrial sources that discharge to a treatment facility.  The Clean Water Act gave the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. E.P.A.) the authority to establish and enforce pretreatment standards for businesses and industries that discharge into a sewer collection system.  Industrial wastewater can contain toxic pollutants that might not be removed at publicly owned treatment works (POTW), therefore could not pass into receiving streams and biosolids.  The pretreatment regulations aim to remove toxic pollutants at the source of the industrial discharge so that they do not interfere with the treatment processes at the wastewater treatment facility.

The City of Manchester Environmental Protection Division (EPD) established its Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) to regulate any industry that discharges wastewater to the collection system.

Organization & Administration

The Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator administers the USEPA approved pretreatment program through its sewer use ordinance, (Sewer Ordinance  ),  covering discharges of wastewater. These Rules and Regulations govern all users of the wastewater treatment facility though the issuance of permits, control documents, enforcement of federal pretreatment requirements and technically based local discharge limitations.

The IPP staff members inspect all classifications of industrial users at least once per year.  The Class I industries are inspected annually and their wastewater discharges are sampled annually to determine the concentration and amount of pollutants that get discharged.  The IPP department issues a five-year industrial discharge permit to all industries that fall into the classifications.  Industries are required to:

  1. Sample their wastewater discharge streams; and
  2. Submit a Periodical Self-Monitoring Report (PCR) no less than two times per year to the IPP Coordinator.
  3. Practice Best Management Practice (BMP’s) to ensure compliance.

The City Industrial Pretreatment through local sewer ordinances for all uses:

City of Manchester Sewer Use Ordinance 52 Chapter: Chapter 52-Sewer Ordinance  

As part of the Sewer Ordinance, the City uses local limits and screening limits to control sampling concentrations specific chemicals that discharge to the sewer.

COMPLIANCE FORMS for Permitted Industries

IPP Power Power Presentations

Other Programs Related to IPP

DENTAL Program:

EPA promulgated pretreatment standard in 2017 to reduce discharges of mercury from dental offices into publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). The Dental Office Category regulation is codified at 40 CFR Part 441.

Dental offices discharge mercury present in amalgam used for fillings. Amalgam separators are a practical, affordable and readily available technology for capturing mercury and other metals before they are discharged into sewers that drain POTWs. Once captured by a separator, mercury can be recycled.

The IPP on an annual basis inspects all dental offices to ensure the amalgam separators are working properly.  For more information, CLICK HERE PDF LINK


Amalgam Separator Compliance form: Dental-Certification_sample-form


How to keep Fats, Oils & Grease (FOG) out of the sewer system.


City of Manchester Industrial Pretreatment Annual Reports:

2022 - 2023

2019 - 2020

2018 - 2019

2017 - 2018