Fire Communications Division
Maintaining the municipal fire alarm system, which monitors fireboxes on the streets and fire alarm panels in buildings within the city. The system consists of nearly 700 fireboxes and over 300 miles of wire.
Reviewing plans and acceptance testing for new and modified fire alarm systems.
Fire Alarms
A permit number must be issued before a fire alarm system is installed and or any modifications can be made.
Fire Alarm Box Listed Agents
For next Listed Agent class, please fill out the online application. You will receive an email notification with class details once application is submitted.
Knox Box
Maintaining the electronics for the Fire Department, which includes public address systems, sirens, emergency notification devices, traffic control emitters, test equipment, remote control equipment, battery chargers, intercoms, video surveillance equipment, and two-way radios. In addition to the fire radios, they maintain the radios for all departments and the 800 MHz Trunking System.
The Fire Dispatch Center, which has three redundant operating positions and handles approximately 17 thousand calls for service per year for fire and medical emergencies.
Maintaining the hardware and software for 100 computers, two servers, emergency dispatch printers, and the network to eleven remote locations.