Aviation | Advertising | BLAZE PARTNERS LLC | 000042814 | $538,385.82 |
Aviation | Advertising | GREATER MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF | 000001292 | $10,190.00 |
Aviation | Advertising | OUTFRONT MEDIA INC | 000040692 | $26,600.00 |
Aviation | Air Service Development Costs | CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC | 000041396 | $59,426.56 |
Aviation | Air Service Development Costs | INTERVISTAS CONSULTING USA LLC | 000039879 | $44,070.00 |
Aviation | Airfield Lighting | ADB SAFEGATE AMERICAS LLC | 000037027 | $22,657.53 |
Aviation | Bond Financing | MOODY'S INVESTOR SERVICE | 000001981 | $21,000.00 |
Aviation | Chemicals & Chlorine | NEW DEAL TRADING LLC | 000038835 | $17,985.90 |
Aviation | Chemicals & Chlorine | WILBUR-ELLIS HOLDINGS INC | 000042807 | $112,970.40 |
Aviation | CIP Equipment | ALLIED EQUIPMENT, LLC | 000040200 | $378,457.00 |
Aviation | CIP Equipment | HOWARD P. FAIRFIELD, INC. | 000001026 | $176,188.00 |
Aviation | CIP Equipment | INFLOW COMMUNICATIONS | 000040533 | $47,207.51 |
Aviation | CIP Equipment | INFLOW COMMUNICATIONS, LLC | 000040533 | $50,496.24 |
Aviation | CIP Equipment | MCFARLAND FORD SALES, INC. | 000040993 | $111,990.00 |
Aviation | CIP Equipment | MILTON CAT | 000002850 | $404,900.00 |
Aviation | CIP Equipment | TURF DEPOT OF HOOKSETT | 000042710 | $46,558.00 |
Aviation | Computer Hardware | AVI-SPL LLC | 000040561 | $19,294.86 |
Aviation | Computer Hardware | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $13,641.44 |
Aviation | Computer Hardware | PC CONNECTION | 000018968 | $22,737.71 |
Aviation | Computer Software Services | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $19,768.83 |
Aviation | Computer Software Services | GCR INC | 000043014 | $45,985.00 |
Aviation | Construction Administration | AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES,INC | 000039306 | $369,664.67 |
Aviation | Construction Administration | JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC. | 000037356 | $285,280.55 |
Aviation | Construction Administration | MCFARLAND JOHNSON INC | 000001883 | $46,385.75 |
Aviation | Construction Contracts | BERGLUND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY | 000042899 | $601,949.85 |
Aviation | Construction Contracts | EQUANS SERVICES INC | 000039960 | $33,042.41 |
Aviation | Construction Contracts | FACILITY SOLUTIONS INC | 000041834 | $117,112.39 |
Aviation | Construction Contracts | FULCRUM ASSOCIATES INC | 000022210 | $1,014,208.56 |
Aviation | Construction Contracts | G AND S MECHANICAL USA INC | 000035449 | $596,850.00 |
Aviation | Construction Contracts | LOUREIRO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION LLC | 000042472 | $34,851.09 |
Aviation | Construction Contracts | PIKE INDUSTRIES INC | 000002450 | $72,490.00 |
Aviation | Construction Contracts | SEALCOATING INC | 000039706 | $35,096.40 |
Aviation | Construction Contracts | SEALCOATING INC DBA INDUS | 000002761 | $200,700.00 |
Aviation | Consulting Services | AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES,INC | 000039306 | $39,602.45 |
Aviation | Consulting Services | MCFARLAND JOHNSON INC | 000001883 | $189,798.51 |
Aviation | Contract Law Enforcement | TOWN OF LONDONDERRY - POLICE DEPT | 000035400 | $1,742,034.59 |
Aviation | Contracted Airport Rescue & Fire | PRO-TEC FIRE SERVICES | 000041020 | $1,130,888.94 |
Aviation | Contracts | AVIATION SECURITY | 000029902 | $25,000.00 |
Aviation | Contracts | LAZ KARP ASSOCIATES, LLC | 000042045 | $1,287,076.98 |
Aviation | Contracts | UNITED SITE SERVICES NORTHEAST INC. | 000030660 | $12,040.40 |
Aviation | Contracts | US CUSTOMS SERVICE | 000023868 | $115,384.58 |
Aviation | Contracts | US SECURITY ASSOCIATES | 000037862 | $370,616.92 |
Aviation | Contracts | WASTE MANAGEMENT OF NH INC | 000003185 | $56,123.23 |
Aviation | Custodial Services | JCM BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC. | 000037213 | $793,996.87 |
Aviation | Custodial Supplies | IMPERIAL BAG & PAPER CO LLC | 000041530 | $71,371.20 |
Aviation | Dues, Fees, & Licenses | AIRPORTS COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL | 000030144 | $27,078.00 |
Aviation | Dues, Fees, & Licenses | AMERICAN ASSOC OF AIRPORT EXEC | 000000113 | $25,643.75 |
Aviation | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000037784 | $1,330,771.10 |
Aviation | Furniture & Fixtures | COMMERCIAL OFFICE INTERIORS LLC | 000042289 | $10,335.96 |
Aviation | Gas, Oil & Diesel Fuel | GLOBAL MONTELLO GROUP CORP | 000037851 | $109,307.31 |
Aviation | Gas, Oil & Diesel Fuel | WILBUR-ELLIS HOLDINGS INC | 000042807 | $24,614.94 |
Aviation | General Supplies | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $10,096.34 |
Aviation | Hazardous Waste Removal | NEW ENGLAND TRAUMA SERVICES LLC | 000042230 | $25,741.00 |
Aviation | Insurance - CGL | CROSS INSURANCE INC | 000038396 | $48,677.80 |
Aviation | Insurance - Other | CROSS INSURANCE INC | 000038396 | $36,250.85 |
Aviation | Insurance - Property | ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY | 000039215 | $221,835.00 |
Aviation | Insurance - Property | CROSS INSURANCE INC | 000038396 | $99,255.00 |
Aviation | Leases - All | LEAF | 000039713 | $17,888.96 |
Aviation | Maintenance & Repair/ Mach/Equip | COMMERCIAL BOILER SYSTEMS | 000033733 | $15,414.47 |
Aviation | Maintenance & Repairs/Real Property | ALLIANCE GROUP, INC | 000040990 | $11,374.83 |
Aviation | Maintenance & Repairs/Real Property | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $19,077.03 |
Aviation | Maintenance & Repairs/Real Property | FRANKLIN PAINT CO INC | 000001127 | $27,535.25 |
Aviation | Maintenance & Repairs/Real Property | KONE INC | 000001980 | $14,220.01 |
Aviation | Maintenance & Repairs/Real Property | LAKES REGION ENVIRONMENTAL | 000029437 | $16,864.68 |
Aviation | Maintenance & Repairs/Real Property | OVERHEAD DOOR CO, DIV OF | 000002349 | $10,244.60 |
Aviation | Maintenance & Repairs/Real Property | POTTER INDUSTRIES, INC | 000002501 | $23,460.00 |
Aviation | Maintenance & Repairs/Real Property | POTTERS INDUSTRIES LLC | 000043049 | $21,680.25 |
Aviation | Maintenance & Repairs/Real Property | RUNWAY SAFE, INC | 000041662 | $51,360.00 |
Aviation | Marketing | AIRPORT ONE LLC | 000042717 | $24,000.00 |
Aviation | Marketing | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $14,969.24 |
Aviation | Marketing | BLAZE PARTNERS LLC | 000042814 | $279,363.81 |
Aviation | Marketing | NH GRANITE STATE AMBASSADORS INC | 000025415 | $50,000.00 |
Aviation | Marketing | PAMELA FITZGERALD | 000042922 | $18,750.00 |
Aviation | Marketing | UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE | 000032086 | $29,900.00 |
Aviation | Minor Apparatus & Tools | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $12,192.25 |
Aviation | Miscellaneous | BLAZE PARTNERS LLC | 000042814 | $130,620.00 |
Aviation | Miscellaneous | HIGGINS OFFICE PRODUCTS INC | 000028897 | $12,360.00 |
Aviation | Natural Gas | LIBERTY UTILITIES | 000038113 | $74,023.14 |
Aviation | Natural Gas | SPRAGUE OPERATING RESOURCES LLC | 000038431 | $128,366.62 |
Aviation | Other Services | AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES,INC | 000039306 | $65,893.58 |
Aviation | Other Services | BLAZE PARTNERS LLC | 000042814 | $28,548.32 |
Aviation | Other Services | JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC. | 000037356 | $10,441.60 |
Aviation | Other Services | LNRS DATA SERVICES INC | 000041663 | $21,600.00 |
Aviation | Other Services | NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES INC | 000025464 | $63,437.25 |
Aviation | Other Services | PAMELA FITZGERALD | 000042922 | $15,750.00 |
Aviation | Radio | MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC | 000002004 | $15,852.57 |
Aviation | Reimburse City | FINANCE DEPARTMENT | 000019449 | $11,126.95 |
Aviation | Reimburse City | INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT | 000019221 | $26,254.89 |
Aviation | Rental Machinery & Equipment | MILTON RENTS INC | 000041434 | $42,737.44 |
Aviation | Repair & Maint of Equipment | JOHN BEAN TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION | 000036652 | $13,151.00 |
Aviation | Safety | BERGERON PROTECTIVE CLOTHING | 000027401 | $12,174.59 |
Aviation | Service Agreements | ALLIED UNIVERSAL TECHNOLOGY SRVS | 000041160 | $72,331.70 |
Aviation | Service Agreements | END2END PUBLIC SAFETY | 000039324 | $10,217.00 |
Aviation | Service Agreements | EQUANS SERVICES INC | 000039960 | $488,777.44 |
Aviation | Service Agreements | GATEKEEPER SYSTEMS, INC | 000039864 | $15,745.00 |
Aviation | Service Agreements | J.C. EHRLICH CO. INC | 000038903 | $63,292.88 |
Aviation | Service Agreements | KONE INC | 000001980 | $102,444.00 |
Aviation | Service Agreements | MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC | 000002004 | $11,105.00 |
Aviation | Service Agreements | SECURADYNE SYSTEMS INTERMEDIATE, LL | 000041822 | $102,200.00 |
Aviation | Service Agreements | TERMINAL SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL | 000028893 | $22,380.00 |
Aviation | Service Agreements | WORLDCOM EXCHANGE INC | 000040702 | $12,028.69 |
Aviation | Sewer & Water | LIBERTY UTILITIES | 000038113 | $19,569.60 |
Aviation | Sewer & Water | TOWN OF LONDONDERRY | 000001748 | $19,412.40 |
Aviation | Sewer & Water | WATER WORKS | 000001805 | $30,710.70 |
Aviation | Street Lighting | STANDARD SIGNS INC | 000028772 | $13,378.60 |
Aviation | Supplies | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $13,685.90 |
Aviation | Supplies | INDEPENDENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY | 000023082 | $15,860.68 |
Aviation | Supplies | OSHKOSH AEROTECH LLC | 000043072 | $16,702.00 |
Aviation | Telephone | AT & T AND AFFILIATES | 000041856 | $19,544.17 |
Aviation | Telephone | CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS | 000040508 | $26,701.06 |
Aviation | Tires & Batteries | PETES TIRE BARNS INC | 000031148 | $29,515.41 |
Aviation | Travel, Conferences & Meetings | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $34,451.33 |
Aviation | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $46,241.38 |
Aviation | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | BOOTH WALTZ ENTERPRISES INC. | 000038702 | $15,148.88 |
Aviation | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | FALL LINE CORPORATION | 000027091 | $10,284.80 |
Aviation | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | JCL EQUIPMENT CO INC | 000033784 | $13,254.20 |
Aviation | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | SANEL AUTO PARTS INC | 000002727 | $11,881.00 |
Aviation | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | UNITED ROTARY BRUSH CORP | 000003106 | $56,076.24 |
Board of Assessors | Data Processing | VISION GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. | 000025679 | $25,138.00 |
City Clerk's Office | CIP Equipment | MILESTONE ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTIO | 000038744 | $84,991.02 |
City Clerk's Office | Elections | LHS ASSOCIATES INC | 000001726 | $10,763.90 |
City Clerk's Office | Elections | MANCHESTER POLICE DEPARTMENT | 000035127 | $20,917.21 |
City Solicitor's Office | Auditing | MELANSON | 000001913 | $95,000.00 |
City Solicitor's Office | Dues, Fees, & Licenses | KARPEL COMPUTER SYSTEMS INC | 000041636 | $12,950.00 |
City Solicitor's Office | Legal Services | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $19,816.80 |
City Solicitor's Office | Legal Services | DRUMMOND WOODSUM & MACMAHON | 000039053 | $12,488.00 |
City Solicitor's Office | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD DRUMMOND WOODSUM & MCM | 000039427 | $10,367.00 |
Civic Contributions | Civic Contributions | FRIENDS OF THE MANCHESTER ANIMAL | 000028107 | $47,210.00 |
Civic Contributions | Municipal Association | NHMA | 000038968 | $30,451.00 |
Debt Service | Debt Service | THE DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY | 000000823 | $6,165,002.32 |
Environmental Protection Division | 12' Shaftless Sprial Screw | JDV EQUIPMENT CORPORATION | 000039673 | $69,827.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | 2020 Membership | NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CLEAN WATER | 000040678 | $15,355.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | 2024 Odor Control Chemicals | WEAVER HOLDINGS, LLC | 000042242 | $20,230.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Administriation Support | OSPREY OWL ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC | 000039582 | $18,664.16 |
Environmental Protection Division | Aeration Projects | WRIGHT PIERCE | 000028199 | $26,907.11 |
Environmental Protection Division | Ash Hauling | RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INC | 000024759 | $40,770.45 |
Environmental Protection Division | Ash Removal | RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INC | 000024759 | $71,717.90 |
Environmental Protection Division | Bi-Sulfate | UNIVAR USA, INC | 000033621 | $51,010.45 |
Environmental Protection Division | CCTV & Inspection of sewer drains | BMC CORP | 000042610 | $145,303.11 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cell phones | P-CARD VZWRLSS MY VZ VB P | 000039427 | $14,623.49 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cemetery Brook Drain Tunnel | BERNSTEIN SHUR SAWYER & NELSON P.A. | 000042780 | $365,698.81 |
Environmental Protection Division | Charge for Reading Irrigation Meters | WATER WORKS | 000001805 | $318,750.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Christian Brook Water Main Relays & Isolation Valve | WATER WORKS | 000001805 | $15,104.75 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cleaning Catch Basins | WIND RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL LLC | 000001050 | $22,662.19 |
Environmental Protection Division | CMOM Contract 3 | GVC CONSTRUCTION INC | 000040921 | $18,453.36 |
Environmental Protection Division | CMOM Contract 3 | GVC CONSTRUCTION INC | 000040920 | $904,214.37 |
Environmental Protection Division | CMOM Contract 3 | HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT | 000019222 | $581,305.17 |
Environmental Protection Division | Coal Slag | ENSIO RESOURCES INC. | 000035693 | $12,687.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cohas Brook Interceptor | PARK CONSTRUCTION CORP | 000019662 | $4,949,253.95 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cohas Brook Interceptor | PARK CONSTRUCTION CORP | 000019699 | $518,127.38 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cohas Brook Interceptor (Ph 3 - Contract 3) | KLEINFELDER NORTHEAST, INC | 000038897 | $478,552.62 |
Environmental Protection Division | COI 2024 Sewer Revenue Bonds | HAWKINS DELAFIELD & WOOD LLP | 000033957 | $95,000.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Combined Sewer Outflow | CDM SMITH INC | 000000487 | $736,501.63 |
Environmental Protection Division | CSO Monitoring, Reporting & Public Notification | FLOW ASSESSMENT SERVICES, LLC | 000035041 | $40,857.99 |
Environmental Protection Division | Design of Primary Clarifier Upgrade | UNDERWOOD ENGINEERS, INC | 000039541 | $57,091.59 |
Environmental Protection Division | Extensive Vactor repairs | C N WOOD CO INC | 000028218 | $11,965.03 |
Environmental Protection Division | Final settlement - Rent/Moving Expense | JOHAN KOCH | 000003292 | $34,500.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Ford Explorer and F150 Pick up | JOHN GRAPPONE INC | 000001284 | $32,165.52 |
Environmental Protection Division | Gas Heat & Incineration | LIBERTY UTILITIES - NH | 000038114 | $68,529.24 |
Environmental Protection Division | Gas Heat & Incineration | SPRAGUE OPERATING RESOURCES LLC | 000041189 | $101,000.98 |
Environmental Protection Division | Gorman Rupp Simplex VerticalV-Belt Driven Base Mounted | WATER INDUSTRIES LLC | 000003187 | $40,172.96 |
Environmental Protection Division | Grit Removal | WASTE MANAGEMENT OF NH INC | 000003185 | $13,567.47 |
Environmental Protection Division | Grounds Maintenance | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $27,353.21 |
Environmental Protection Division | Heating Oil - Crescent Rd Pump Station | IRVING ENERGY DISTRIBUTION & MKTING | 000027652 | $15,246.64 |
Environmental Protection Division | Hypchlorite | BORDEN & REMINGTON CORP | 000033072 | $228,724.34 |
Environmental Protection Division | Kronos & Maximo Licensing | HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT | 000019222 | $32,020.21 |
Environmental Protection Division | Landscaping Services | P-CARD NORTH POINT OUTDOORS | 000039427 | $26,599.24 |
Environmental Protection Division | Laptops | DELL MARKETING LP | 000023664 | $10,156.94 |
Environmental Protection Division | Large Power Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000002546 | $1,358,310.32 |
Environmental Protection Division | Manhole Repairs | HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT | 000019222 | $544,944.20 |
Environmental Protection Division | Maturing Debt | TREASURER STATE OF NH | 000001003 | $1,667,693.50 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc Maintenance Supplies | P-CARD GRAINGER | 000039427 | $33,790.95 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc Maintenance Supplies | P-CARD MCMASTER-CARR | 000039427 | $10,715.29 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc Vendors - Materials & Services | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $17,644.07 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc Vendors - programs, materials, etcā¦ | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $35,491.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc. departmental tools | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $26,765.55 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc. safety supplies | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $13,864.50 |
Environmental Protection Division | N&N 6 X 10 10k Dump Trailer | CENTRAL NH TRAILERS, LLC | 000039858 | $18,650.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | New Computer and XL Reporter Upgrade | ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS LLC | 000000965 | $23,265.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Nutts Pond Improvements | COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL INC | 000021798 | $359,658.40 |
Environmental Protection Division | Offsite Pump Station Maintenance | AAA PUMP SERVICE / FAY ELECTRIC INC | 000029197 | $12,228.93 |
Environmental Protection Division | PC Support | INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT | 000019221 | $47,883.62 |
Environmental Protection Division | Polymer Binding Additive | POLYDYNE INC | 000027360 | $174,241.50 |
Environmental Protection Division | Professional Services for Cemetery Brook Tunnel | PARSONS ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTUR | 000042918 | $659,752.97 |
Environmental Protection Division | Pump Parts | THE MAHER CORPORATION | 000020917 | $28,208.06 |
Environmental Protection Division | Pump Stations & Admin. Building Electricty | EVERSOURCE | 000037785 | $40,821.06 |
Environmental Protection Division | Pumping Equipment Repairs | WATER INDUSTRIES LLC | 000003187 | $19,721.64 |
Environmental Protection Division | Rebuild of RSP #5 | FARRAR INC. | 000039205 | $37,175.65 |
Environmental Protection Division | Relocation Payment | PURECEMS LLC | 000043105 | $51,773.75 |
Environmental Protection Division | Relocation Payment | TD BANKNORTH, N.A. | 000034174 | $150,914.97 |
Environmental Protection Division | Relocation Payment | Timothy T. Collins | 000003292 | $12,241.62 |
Environmental Protection Division | Relocation Payment | Tong Yee, LLC | 000003292 | $50,000.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Relocation Payment | TREASURER STATE OF NH | 000001003 | $750,988.46 |
Environmental Protection Division | Repair FBI Economizer | INDUSTRIAL STEEL & BOILER SERV,INC | 000038795 | $53,832.70 |
Environmental Protection Division | Repair Fuel Control Valve | SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED | 000002841 | $41,515.89 |
Environmental Protection Division | Repair of Refactory to FBI | INDUSTRIAL FURNACE CO INC | 000031088 | $70,405.71 |
Environmental Protection Division | Roof Replacement - Thickener & WWTP Wings | KEVIN W SMITH & SON, INC | 000039521 | $669,600.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Sampling | EUROFINS ENVIRONMENT TESTING NE LLC | 000042945 | $34,305.67 |
Environmental Protection Division | Service on Air Compressors | D. L. THURROTT AIR PRODUCTS | 000039545 | $10,908.07 |
Environmental Protection Division | Sheffield Road Pump Station & Force Main Design | WESTON & SAMPSON ENGINEERS, INC | 000040072 | $65,354.02 |
Environmental Protection Division | Sludge Removal | CASELLA WASTE MANAGEMENT INC | 000000516 | $314,771.83 |
Environmental Protection Division | Telephone Service | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $29,614.45 |
Environmental Protection Division | Telephone Service | P-CARD CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICA | 000039427 | $13,120.51 |
Environmental Protection Division | Thickener & multiple hearth wings roof replacemetnt | GALE ASSOCIATES INC | 000027863 | $21,417.50 |
Environmental Protection Division | Turblex Blowers Service Agreement 2022 & 2023 | BCV SYSTEMS LLC | 000041549 | $21,600.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Wash press housing | VULCAN INDUSTRIES, INC. | 000035637 | $34,211.34 |
Environmental Protection Division | WWTP SSI Compliance | WOODARD & CURRAN INC | 000027392 | $28,196.40 |
Environmental Protection Division | WWTP SSI Compliance Construction | CASELLA WASTE MANAGEMENT INC | 000000516 | $417,915.96 |
Environmental Protection Division | WWTP SSI Compliance Construction | MCLANE MIDDLETON, PROF ASSOCIATION | 000001891 | $66,504.38 |
Facilities Division | Construction Contracts | BK SYSTEMS INC | 000000341 | $56,370.00 |
Facilities Division | Construction Contracts | ENERGY EFFICIENT INVESTMENTS,INC | 000039224 | $201,897.03 |
Facilities Division | Construction Contracts | FREDERICK MATUSZEWSKI | 000041222 | $10,712.50 |
Facilities Division | Construction Contracts | GRANT N JONES | 000038972 | $15,650.00 |
Facilities Division | Construction Contracts | JOHN L CARTER SPRINKLER CO INC | 000025128 | $23,200.00 |
Facilities Division | Construction Contracts | NORTHEAST MASONRY CORP | 000040559 | $11,100.00 |
Facilities Division | Construction Contracts | PREFERRED CONTRACTORS, INC | 000042287 | $24,300.00 |
Facilities Division | Construction Material | ARAMARK CORPORATION | 000026342 | $119,204.04 |
Facilities Division | Construction Material | EASTERN INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION | 000000939 | $11,142.73 |
Facilities Division | Construction Material | F W WEBB COMPANY | 000003200 | $48,446.74 |
Facilities Division | Construction Material | HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES | 000001427 | $10,131.49 |
Facilities Division | Construction Material | JA MARINO AUTOMATIC HEATING SPLY CO | 000001842 | $21,881.10 |
Facilities Division | Construction Material | KAMCO SUPPLY CORP OF BOSTON | 000001570 | $32,781.17 |
Facilities Division | Construction Material | STANDARD ELECTRIC | 000041894 | $11,139.56 |
Facilities Division | Construction Material | THE GRANITE GROUP | 000027605 | $14,801.55 |
Facilities Division | Construction Material | W. W. GRAINGER, INC. | 000001261 | $19,354.14 |
Facilities Division | Contract Manpower | ARAMARK CORPORATION | 000026342 | $4,522,741.88 |
Facilities Division | Contracts | ADVANCED POWER AND CONTROLS, LLC | 000039365 | $12,725.43 |
Facilities Division | Contracts | BEST DOOR AND LOCK LLC | 000039378 | $19,045.00 |
Facilities Division | Contracts | FIRE PROTECTION TEAM, LLC | 000038639 | $19,929.02 |
Facilities Division | Contracts | J.P. MORIN CONTRACTING SVCS INC | 000032728 | $19,834.60 |
Facilities Division | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000037786 | $72,136.44 |
Facilities Division | Maintenance & Repair/ Mach/Equip | INDEPENDENT OVERHEAD DOOR LLC | 000041887 | $20,715.16 |
Facilities Division | Natural Gas | LIBERTY UTILITIES | 000038115 | $12,594.40 |
Facilities Division | Natural Gas | SPRAGUE OPERATING RESOURCES LLC | 000041189 | $11,276.97 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | CJ RYDER FLOORING, LLC | 000039344 | $124,649.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | CLASSIC SIGNS, INC | 000039821 | $12,892.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | ENERGY EFFICIENT INVESTMENTS,INC | 000039224 | $708,297.79 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | FREDERICK MATUSZEWSKI | 000041222 | $20,175.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | GALE ASSOCIATES INC | 000027863 | $37,665.35 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | GERARD A. LAFLAMME, INC. | 000001639 | $10,700.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | GRANITE STATE PARCEL | 000042894 | $38,261.86 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | HIGH OUTPUT INC | 000020254 | $259,043.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | KEELEY PAINTING COMPANY, INC. | 000039998 | $114,795.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | KEVIN W SMITH & SON, INC | 000039521 | $389,000.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | MILESTONE ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTIO | 000038744 | $28,584.85 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | NEAP INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS INC | 000042788 | $13,107.08 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | NH TRIPLE PLAY LLC | 000035985 | $154,931.20 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | OMNI ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC | 000041818 | $53,500.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | OVERHEAD DOOR CO, DIV OF | 000002349 | $29,600.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | PALMER AND SICARD INC | 000026874 | $15,493.97 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | PASEK CORP - DH PACE COMPANY, INC | 000039799 | $71,752.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | PROFESSIONAL TOUCH PAINTING SERVICE | 000035543 | $35,293.63 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | STERLING CORPORATION | 000039743 | $27,385.71 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | STREAMLINE WATERPROOFING & | 000037616 | $60,215.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | TELEPHONE & NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES | 000002985 | $19,804.15 |
Facilities Division | Other Costs | WINDOW FILM DEPOT INC | 000041256 | $70,115.00 |
Facilities Division | Other Project Costs | EVERSOURCE | 000041995 | $20,676.40 |
Facilities Division | Other Project Costs | PALMER AND SICARD INC | 000026874 | $10,082.83 |
Facilities Division | Rental of Building | BRADY SULLIVAN MILLWORKS II, LLC | 000039279 | $19,898.76 |
Facilities Division | Service Agreements | A-1 EXTERMINATORS INC | 000038287 | $10,531.85 |
Facilities Division | Service Agreements | STANLEY ELEVATOR CO INC | 000002874 | $18,252.00 |
Finance Department | Data Processing | FIFTH ASSET, INC | 000042311 | $16,000.00 |
Finance Department | Management Services | WAINWRIGHT INVESTMENT COUNSEL | 000003174 | $22,500.00 |
Finance Department | Special Projects | TAX COLLECTOR | 000019122 | $12,343.42 |
Fire Department | 10 LOCATIONS | LIBERTY UTILITIES - NH | 000036527 | $23,402.97 |
Fire Department | CIP - Equipment | FIVE M'S - FORD OF LONDONDERRY | 000037185 | $227,017.00 |
Fire Department | CIP - Equipment | GREEN MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS INC | 000040043 | $24,400.00 |
Fire Department | CIP - Equipment | MCFARLAND FORD SALES, INC. | 000040993 | $49,359.00 |
Fire Department | CIP - Equipment | MERIDIAN RAPID DEFENSE GROUP LLC | 000043124 | $500,000.00 |
Fire Department | CIP - Equipment | OSSIPEE MTN ELECTRONICS INC | 000002346 | $10,009.30 |
Fire Department | CIP - Equipment | RIGAKU AMERICAS HOLDING INC | 000042980 | $54,920.00 |
Fire Department | Construction Contracts | FREDERICK MATUSZEWSKI | 000041222 | $29,700.00 |
Fire Department | Construction Contracts | MILESTONE ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTIO | 000038744 | $230,203.20 |
Fire Department | Custodial Supplies | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $22,325.32 |
Fire Department | ELEVEN LOCATIONS | EVERSOURCE | 000002557 | $192,544.87 |
Fire Department | Equipment | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $17,392.55 |
Fire Department | Equipment | DANIELS EQUIPMENT CO INC | 000019535 | $21,084.60 |
Fire Department | Equipment | GEARGRID LLC | 000042954 | $12,984.99 |
Fire Department | Equipment | GYM SOURCE USA, LLC | 000041704 | $11,862.75 |
Fire Department | Equipment Testing | WATERWAY TWIN TIER LLC | 000043107 | $11,919.26 |
Fire Department | Fire Prevention Education | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $10,726.34 |
Fire Department | FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT | FIRE TECH & SAFETY OF NE, INC. | 000001069 | $65,147.09 |
Fire Department | Maintenance & Repair/ Mach/Equip | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $16,580.89 |
Fire Department | Medical Supplies | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $13,750.00 |
Fire Department | Natural Gas | SPRAGUE OPERATING RESOURCES LLC | 000041189 | $28,170.26 |
Fire Department | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD ATT Ā BILL PAYMENT | 000039427 | $45,048.43 |
Fire Department | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC | 000039427 | $13,548.10 |
Fire Department | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD IMPERIAL DADE | 000039427 | $16,153.87 |
Fire Department | Protective Clothing | FIRE TECH & SAFETY OF NE, INC. | 000001069 | $33,858.06 |
Fire Department | RESCUE TOOL | FIRE TECH & SAFETY OF NE, INC. | 000001069 | $102,742.00 |
Fire Department | Service Agreements | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $68,506.01 |
Fire Department | Service Agreements | MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC | 000002004 | $150,000.00 |
Fire Department | Service Agreements | TARGETSOLUTIONS LEARNING LLC | 000042618 | $22,511.16 |
Fleet Management | CFM - Inventory Hold Expense | BOOTH WALTZ ENTERPRISES INC. | 000038702 | $16,447.44 |
Fleet Management | CIP - Equipment | ASSETWORKS, LLC | 000040169 | $83,407.75 |
Fleet Management | CIP - Equipment | BTT ENTERPRISES LLC | 000043073 | $12,967.31 |
Fleet Management | CIP - Equipment | CHADWICK-BAROSS INC | 000000542 | $27,821.34 |
Fleet Management | CIP - Equipment | COMMERCIAL BOILER SYSTEMS | 000033733 | $25,502.33 |
Fleet Management | CIP - Equipment | J. W. FLEET & EQUIPMENT INC. | 000038994 | $18,165.00 |
Fleet Management | Custodial Services | ARAMARK CORPORATION | 000026342 | $25,259.35 |
Fleet Management | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000002546 | $300,671.06 |
Fleet Management | Fuel Inventory | GLOBAL MONTELLO GROUP CORP | 000030785 | $739,545.77 |
Fleet Management | Inventory | ALLEGIANCE TRUCKS, LLC | 000041548 | $38,327.62 |
Fleet Management | Inventory | ATG MANCHESTER | 000041500 | $16,124.46 |
Fleet Management | Inventory | AUTOFAIR FORD INC | 000000234 | $23,735.05 |
Fleet Management | Inventory | BALLARD TRUCK CENTER LLC | 000042705 | $21,756.68 |
Fleet Management | Inventory | O'REILLY AUTO PARTS | 000039356 | $24,079.25 |
Fleet Management | Lubricant Inventory | BOOTH WALTZ ENTERPRISES INC. | 000038702 | $12,199.64 |
Fleet Management | Maintenance & Repair/ Mach/Equip | CAMEROTA TRUCK PARTS | 000033349 | $20,627.21 |
Fleet Management | Maintenance & Repair/ Mach/Equip | DONOVAN SPRING CO INC | 000000874 | $10,538.31 |
Fleet Management | Maintenance & Repair/ Mach/Equip | J. W. FLEET & EQUIPMENT INC. | 000038994 | $15,340.00 |
Fleet Management | Natural Gas | LIBERTY UTILITIES - NH | 000036527 | $36,937.71 |
Fleet Management | Natural Gas | SPRAGUE OPERATING RESOURCES LLC | 000038431 | $64,816.06 |
Fleet Management | Other Project Costs | CHADWICK-BAROSS INC | 000000542 | $10,229.96 |
Fleet Management | Service Agreements | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $12,653.20 |
Fleet Management | Tires & Batteries | ALTA ENTERPRISES, LLC | 000002265 | $29,710.00 |
Fleet Management | Tires & Batteries | PETES TIRE BARNS INC | 000031148 | $53,871.22 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | ALLEGIANCE TRUCKS, LLC | 000041548 | $36,399.49 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | ATG MANCHESTER | 000041500 | $11,409.73 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | AUTOFAIR FORD INC | 000000234 | $17,266.03 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | BALLARD TRUCK CENTER LLC | 000042705 | $46,747.43 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $19,681.89 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | BOBCAT OF NH | 000016709 | $16,010.96 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | BOOTH WALTZ ENTERPRISES INC. | 000038702 | $44,024.45 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | GLOBAL MONTELLO GROUP CORP | 000030785 | $44,478.52 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | GREENWOOD EMERGENCY VEHICLES LLC | 000001299 | $31,171.47 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | JACK OF ALL BLADES | 000040420 | $21,611.00 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | MCNEILUS TRUCK & MANUFACTURING | 000027923 | $36,051.09 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | O'REILLY AUTO PARTS | 000039356 | $15,075.89 |
Fleet Management | Vehicle Repairs/Parts | PETES TIRE BARNS INC | 000031148 | $11,249.69 |
Health Department | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000002557 | $37,624.73 |
Health Department | Homeless Health Care | CATHOLIC MEDICAL CENTER | 000000526 | $816,017.37 |
Health Department | Other Project Costs | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $49,125.16 |
Health Department | Other Project Costs | BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF MANCHESTER | 000001813 | $21,755.02 |
Health Department | Other Project Costs | FISHER SCIENTIFIC | 000018942 | $10,291.16 |
Health Department | Other Project Costs | GRAINGER | 000041369 | $43,565.75 |
Health Department | Other Project Costs | HENRY SCHEIN, INC. | 000002740 | $14,339.22 |
Health Department | Other Project Costs | MAKIN' IT HAPPEN COALITION FOR RESI | 000038976 | $89,124.63 |
Health Department | Other Project Costs | MANCHESTER FIRE DEPARTMENT | 000035112 | $23,895.00 |
Health Department | Other Project Costs | MANCHESTER SCHOOL DISTRICT | 000031730 | $27,713.46 |
Health Department | Other Project Costs | ORGANIZATION FOR REFUGEE AND | 000040860 | $25,036.49 |
Highway Department | Asphalt | BROX INDUSTRIES INC | 000000442 | $24,054.26 |
Highway Department | CIP - Equipment | BALLARD TRUCK CENTER LLC | 000042705 | $291,386.80 |
Highway Department | CIP - Equipment | DONOVAN EQUIPMENT CO INC | 000000875 | $13,500.00 |
Highway Department | CIP - Equipment | FIVE M'S - FORD OF LONDONDERRY | 000037185 | $192,658.00 |
Highway Department | CIP - Equipment | HOWARD P. FAIRFIELD, INC. | 000001026 | $343,411.00 |
Highway Department | CIP - Equipment | MILTON CAT | 000002850 | $235,265.82 |
Highway Department | CIP - Equipment | TURF PRODUCTS | 000003076 | $315,036.97 |
Highway Department | Construction Contract | CONTINENTAL PAVING INC | 000000683 | $251,969.44 |
Highway Department | Construction Contract | PICHETTE BROS. CONST. CO. INC. | 000002443 | $61,455.05 |
Highway Department | Construction Material | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $13,890.69 |
Highway Department | Construction Material | CONTINENTAL PAVING INC | 000000683 | $225,527.68 |
Highway Department | Construction Material | EBERL IRON WORKS INC | 000042473 | $21,212.00 |
Highway Department | Contracts | BENJAMIN HESELTON | 000041903 | $18,000.00 |
Highway Department | Contracts | CASELLA WASTE MANAGEMENT OF MA INC | 000042782 | $2,060,354.02 |
Highway Department | Contracts | CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS,I | 000038977 | $33,208.04 |
Highway Department | Contracts | ELECTRIC LIGHT CO INC | 000025893 | $26,869.00 |
Highway Department | Contracts | NICHOLAS S. GLADKE | 000043069 | $18,000.00 |
Highway Department | Contracts | WASTE MANAGEMENT OF NH INC | 000003185 | $1,983,238.81 |
Highway Department | Design & Engineering | HOYLE TANNER & ASSOCIATES INC | 000001444 | $300,689.59 |
Highway Department | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000041994 | $57,880.08 |
Highway Department | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000041995 | $11,258.36 |
Highway Department | Equipment | CADNET SERVICES LLP | 000042929 | $13,965.00 |
Highway Department | Equipment | GLASDON, INC | 000040987 | $21,171.80 |
Highway Department | Furniture & Fixtures | GAYLORD BROS INC | 000032148 | $27,752.92 |
Highway Department | Inventory | ALLOY CASTING CO INC | 000000090 | $21,936.00 |
Highway Department | Inventory | EASTERN MINERALS, INC | 000041885 | $1,144,627.64 |
Highway Department | Leases - All | FROST SOLUTIONS LLC | 000042543 | $20,000.00 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | CENTERCO MANCHESTER LLC | 000040959 | $10,000.00 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | CMA ENGINEERS INC | 000037723 | $68,537.46 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | COASTAL TRAFFIC INC. | 000040060 | $16,800.00 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | CSX TRANSPORTATION INC | 000043170 | $218,395.00 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC. | 000042316 | $21,890.00 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | ELECTRIC LIGHT CO INC | 000025893 | $108,320.20 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERS GROUP, LLC | 000041996 | $87,433.18 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | FUSS & O'NEILL, INC. | 000040304 | $866,574.30 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | GMI ASPHALT, LLC | 000038521 | $2,872,536.25 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | HDR ENGINEERING, INC | 000041836 | $18,167.13 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC LINES, INC | 000038691 | $25,647.00 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES, INC | 000041385 | $196,945.00 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | MANCHESTER POLICE DEPARTMENT | 000035127 | $18,790.00 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | NEW ENGLAND TRAUMA SERVICES LLC | 000042230 | $12,160.00 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | SEALCOATING INC DBA INDUS | 000002761 | $307,036.36 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | STATE OF NH -- NH DOT | 000039508 | $44,000.00 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | SWENSON GRANITE CO LLC | 000002953 | $32,792.17 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | TRADEBE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, LLC | 000039584 | $20,143.84 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | VANASSE HANGEN BRUSTLIN INC. | 000026842 | $18,014.33 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | WSP USA INC | 000042273 | $15,622.56 |
Highway Department | Other Project Costs | YUNEX LLC | 000042557 | $10,254.90 |
Highway Department | Other Services | MANCHESTER POLICE DEPARTMENT | 000035127 | $17,740.00 |
Highway Department | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD VZWRLSS MY VZ VB P | 000039427 | $35,734.73 |
Highway Department | Recycling Toters | REHRIG PACIFIC COMPANY | 000023614 | $90,534.92 |
Highway Department | Reimbursable inventory expenses | CONTINENTAL PAVING INC | 000000683 | $21,670.53 |
Highway Department | Reimbursable inventory expenses | EVERSOURCE | 000037786 | $58,721.32 |
Highway Department | Reimbursable inventory expenses | FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. | 000036417 | $24,806.97 |
Highway Department | Reimbursable inventory expenses | GMI ASPHALT, LLC | 000038521 | $3,675,447.54 |
Highway Department | Reimbursable inventory expenses | MANCHESTER POLICE DEPARTMENT | 000035127 | $119,200.00 |
Highway Department | Service Agreements | INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY | 000041344 | $78,423.81 |
Highway Department | Service Agreements | UKG KRONOS SYSTEMS LLC | 000036635 | $14,100.00 |
Highway Department | Service Agreements | VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC | 000041938 | $20,432.77 |
Highway Department | Telephone | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $34,390.22 |
Human Resources Department | Consulting Services | EVERGREEN SOLUTIONS LLC | 000042597 | $19,725.00 |
Human Resources Department | Data Processing | TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC | 000041891 | $19,962.00 |
Human Resources Department | Other Project Costs | EVERGREEN SOLUTIONS LLC | 000042597 | $22,200.00 |
Human Resources Department | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD ELLIOT HOSPITAL | 000039427 | $42,111.89 |
Information Systems | CIP - Equipment | TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC | 000041891 | $15,883.59 |
Information Systems | Other Project Costs | AXON ENTERPRISE, INC | 000038584 | $17,819.47 |
Information Systems | Other Project Costs | CDW-G GOVERNMENT, INC. | 000029741 | $11,270.67 |
Information Systems | Other Project Costs | CLEARCOMPANY LLC | 000042974 | $24,983.00 |
Information Systems | Other Project Costs | COMPUTER HUT OF NEW ENGLAND | 000029866 | $17,543.00 |
Information Systems | Other Project Costs | DELL MARKETING LP | 000023664 | $52,696.13 |
Information Systems | Other Project Costs | SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP | 000002839 | $477,840.78 |
Information Systems | Other Project Costs | SNHU ARENA | 000029375 | $687,041.83 |
Information Systems | Other Project Costs | THE SANBORN MAP COMPANY INC | 000040531 | $22,249.50 |
Information Systems | Other Project Costs | TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC | 000041891 | $112,117.41 |
Information Systems | Postage | NEW HAMPSHIRE PRINT & MAIL SERVICES | 000036245 | $40,200.00 |
Information Systems | Service Agreements | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $14,420.02 |
Information Systems | Service Agreements | CENTER FOR INTERNET SECURITY INC | 000040652 | $11,160.00 |
Information Systems | Service Agreements | EVERBRIDGE INC | 000040791 | $12,488.75 |
Information Systems | Service Agreements | GEONEXUS TECHNOLOGIES LLC | 000039571 | $11,739.60 |
Information Systems | Service Agreements | MDL SECURITY INTERNATIONAL LLC | 000043126 | $11,950.00 |
Information Systems | Service Agreements | OMADA TECHNOLOGIES, LLC | 000041200 | $13,465.68 |
Information Systems | Service Agreements | SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP | 000002839 | $61,601.99 |
Information Systems | Service Agreements | SUPERION, LLC | 000040173 | $317,835.76 |
Information Systems | Telephone | CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS | 000040508 | $35,979.10 |
Information Systems | Telephone | FIRSTLIGHT FIBER | 000033831 | $28,152.25 |
Library Department | Books | THE PARK STREET FOUNDATION | 000035239 | $10,000.00 |
Library Department | CIP - Overhead | DELL MARKETING LP | 000023664 | $27,863.11 |
Library Department | Construction Contracts | OFFICE INTERIORS LTD | 000002301 | $30,000.00 |
Library Department | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000002557 | $56,988.09 |
Library Department | Library Computer System | GMILCS INC | 000001220 | $79,855.00 |
Library Department | Library Trust Expenses - PCard | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $11,778.17 |
Manchester Economic Develop Office | Other Project Costs | JOURNAL COMMUNICATIONS | 000042040 | $18,640.00 |
Manchester Economic Develop Office | Other Project Costs | STREETPLUS COMPANY LLC | 000042959 | $267,929.75 |
Manchester Economic Develop Office | Other Project Costs | THE BURDETTE AGENCY, INC. | 000042451 | $268,564.89 |
Mayor/Budget Office | Other Project Costs | 39 BEECH STREET, LLC | 000042382 | $54,000.00 |
Mayor/Budget Office | Other Project Costs | ADVANCED REGENERATIVE MANUFACTURING | 000042089 | $50,000.00 |
Mayor/Budget Office | Other Project Costs | EAST COAST EVOLUTION LEADERSHIP | 000042602 | $556,163.67 |
Mayor/Budget Office | Other Project Costs | GREATER MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF | 000001292 | $32,065.17 |
Mayor/Budget Office | Other Project Costs | TELEPHONE & NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES | 000002985 | $10,304.00 |
Mayor/Budget Office | Other Project Costs-ARPA | 39 BEECH STREET, LLC | 000042382 | $113,000.00 |
Mayor/Budget Office | Other Project Costs-ARPA | EAST COAST EVOLUTION LEADERSHIP | 000042602 | $113,020.00 |
Non-City Programs | So. NH Planning | SOUTHERN NH PLANNING COMM | 000002849 | $78,524.84 |
Non-Departmental Expenses | Employee Services | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $45,971.77 |
Non-Departmental Expenses | Insurance - CGL | CANNON COCHRAN MGMT SVCS INC | 000032476 | $56,250.00 |
Non-Departmental Expenses | Street Lighting | EVERSOURCE | 000037786 | $467,519.89 |
Non-Departmental Expenses | Street Lighting | GEMINI ELECTRIC, INC. | 000036551 | $27,595.20 |
Non-Departmental Expenses | Street Lighting | UTILITY CONSTRUCTION & GRANITE CURB | 000040621 | $11,100.00 |
Non-Departmental Expenses | Street Lighting | YUNEX LLC | 000042557 | $20,662.89 |
Non-Departmental Expenses | Transit Subsidy | MANCHESTER TRANSIT AUTHORITY | 000001833 | $1,657,544.00 |
Non-Departmental Expenses | Worker's Compensation | CANNON COCHRAN MGMT SVCS INC | 000032476 | $132,000.00 |
Non-Departmental Expenses | Worker's Compensation | LISCORD, WARD & ROY INC | 000021263 | $16,301.25 |
Non-Departmental Expenses | Worker's Compensation | TREASURER, STATE OF NH | 000002165 | $482,393.96 |
Office of Youth Services | Special Projects | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $10,096.54 |
Parking Department | Backoffice software/P&Ds | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $75,481.36 |
Parking Department | Construction Material | J.P. MORIN CONTRACTING SVCS INC | 000032728 | $40,160.10 |
Parking Department | Debt Service | THE DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY | 000000823 | $36,965.28 |
Parking Department | Garage and Lots | EVERSOURCE | 000002557 | $25,406.94 |
Parking Department | Handheld/software upgrade | CARDINAL TRACKING INC | 000029116 | $11,591.40 |
Parking Department | Insurance - CGL | CROSS INSURANCE INC | 000038396 | $11,470.00 |
Parking Department | IT chargeback | INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT | 000019221 | $17,503.05 |
Parking Department | Other Project Costs | J.P. MORIN CONTRACTING SVCS INC | 000032728 | $10,000.00 |
Parking Department | P&Ds PartSmart | P-CARD CALE AMERICA INC | 000039427 | $84,666.29 |
Parking Department | Snow Removal Services | GROUNDHOG LANDSCAPING & | 000033917 | $97,500.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Construction Contracts | HOYLE TANNER & ASSOCIATES INC | 000001444 | $38,462.45 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Construction Material | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $14,444.98 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Contract Manpower | MANSFIELD GOLF LLC | 000040873 | $36,499.78 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Contracts | LOUIS P COTE INC | 000019137 | $14,341.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000037786 | $174,554.04 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000041993 | $30,896.60 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000041995 | $92,496.11 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Equipment | BEAUREGARD EQUIPMENT INC | 000000293 | $10,700.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Equipment | TURF PRODUCTS | 000003076 | $11,153.39 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Equipment | ZAMBONI COMPANY USA INC | 000003275 | $14,620.30 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Irrigation Supplies | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $11,271.03 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Lawn & Tree Supplies | HERTIAGE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY GROUP, IN | 000042303 | $24,240.14 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Maintenance & Repair/ Mach/Equip | TURF PRODUCTS | 000003076 | $17,446.17 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Natural Gas | LIBERTY UTILITIES | 000038115 | $38,827.85 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Natural Gas | SPRAGUE OPERATING RESOURCES LLC | 000041189 | $41,017.12 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | BETA GROUP, INC. | 000042113 | $216,042.86 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | BLUE RIBBON FENCE AND LANDSCAPING | 000000357 | $19,957.83 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | CMA ENGINEERS INC | 000037723 | $159,294.38 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | CONTINENTAL PAVING INC | 000000683 | $14,710.53 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | DAVID W WHITE & SON INC | 000000800 | $656,752.50 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | DENISCO ELECTRIC, LLC | 000041518 | $11,800.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | DOUGLAS W KNOTTS | 000041820 | $117,537.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | FENCES UNLIMITED INC | 000020114 | $26,450.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | GMI ASPHALT, LLC | 000038521 | $369,938.62 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | HOYLE TANNER & ASSOCIATES INC | 000001444 | $27,695.25 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | HUSSEY SEATING COMPANY | 000043070 | $64,645.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | M E O'BRIEN & SONS INC | 000001918 | $220,000.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | MANCHESTER LITTLE LEAGUE | 000042857 | $20,415.85 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | NATARE CORPORATION | 000043042 | $17,693.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | NICHOLAS HIGH | 000042902 | $55,216.83 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | PREMIER FENCING LLC | 000042337 | $79,140.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | TF MORAN, INC | 000035975 | $56,175.14 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | TUCKAHOE TURF FARMS INC | 000003070 | $22,275.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | ULTIPLAY PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS INC | 000042800 | $121,270.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | VANASSE HANGEN BRUSTLIN INC. | 000026842 | $13,850.16 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | WILLIAM DAVIS | 000042036 | $161,442.50 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Other Project Costs | WILLIAM P. DAVIS | 000042036 | $482,775.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD THE HOME DEPOT #3482 | 000039427 | $14,439.27 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Piscataquog Rail Trail | PICHETTE BROS. CONST. CO. INC. | 000002443 | $1,067,048.45 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Public Entertainment | PYROTECNICO FIREWORKS INC | 000042537 | $25,000.00 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Recreational Supplies | PIONEER MANUFACTURING CO | 000023145 | $11,533.11 |
Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries | Rental Machinery & Equipment | DROP ONE PORTABLES, INC | 000041713 | $15,450.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Construction Contracts | AFFORDABLE CONSTRUCTION 1 LLC | 000039940 | $318,765.90 |
Planning & Community Development | Construction Contracts | DADS ABATEMENT LLC. | 000037370 | $173,947.50 |
Planning & Community Development | Construction Contracts | PROLIFIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC | 000037852 | $81,305.28 |
Planning & Community Development | Construction Contracts | RESIDENCES AT CHESTNUT MNH LP | 000042859 | $500,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Construction Contracts | SERENITY PAINTING & RENOVATIONS, LL | 000039805 | $289,514.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Construction Contracts | STEPHEN TAMBOURIS | 000042181 | $157,501.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Consulting Services | NHPRESCO LLC | 000042993 | $12,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Consulting Services | PROLIFIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC | 000037852 | $324,014.20 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | ABU BACAR BAH | 000043147 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | AMOSKEAG HEALTH | 000001796 | $153,166.47 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | ANDREW W. SIFFLARD | 000043030 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | ANDREW W. SIFFLARD | 000043120 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | COWABUNGA'S MANCHESTER LLC | 000041511 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | CUSTOM EATS & SWEETS LLC | 000043092 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | DEOGRATIAS MWANO | 000041965 | $39,728.65 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | EASTER SEALS NEW HAMPSHIRE INC | 000038488 | $26,938.60 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | GRANITE STATE CHILDRENS ALLIANCE | 000038480 | $10,450.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | GRANITE UNITED WAY | 000003108 | $20,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | HECTOR MENDEZ | 000043015 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | HOPE CITY CHURCH | 000043151 | $26,500.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | JYL DITTBENNER | 000042277 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | KRISTIE MCKENNEY | 000043003 | $200,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | LIGHT OF LIFE MINISTRIES | 000041637 | $310,288.41 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | 000019774 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | MANCHESTER COMMUNITY RESOURCE | 000031940 | $288,167.41 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | MANCHESTER HOUSING AND | 000001816 | $300,741.48 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | MARC AMIET | 000043076 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | MILL ON THE GREEN CONDOMINIUM | 000042346 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | NH MUSCULOSKELETAL INSTITUTE | 000042080 | $10,939.20 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | PRISCILLA LANE RONDEAU | 000043002 | $10,000.00 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | PROLIFIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC | 000037852 | $136,443.62 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | ROYAL ABSTRACT NATIONAL LLC | 000042920 | $3,462,990.76 |
Planning & Community Development | Other Project Costs | SOUTHERN NH UNIVERSITY | 000042407 | $201,700.55 |
Police Department | Ammunition | AAA POLICE SUPPLY | 000025383 | $183,479.00 |
Police Department | CIP - Equipment | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $12,731.52 |
Police Department | CIP - Equipment | FIVE M'S - FORD OF LONDONDERRY | 000037185 | $56,512.00 |
Police Department | CIP - Equipment | LCEO LLC | 000041692 | $14,850.00 |
Police Department | CIP - Equipment | MCFARLAND FORD SALES, INC. | 000040993 | $223,825.00 |
Police Department | CIP - Equipment | OSSIPEE MTN ELECTRONICS INC | 000002346 | $27,565.40 |
Police Department | Contracts | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $11,742.31 |
Police Department | Gas, Oil & Diesel Fuel | FLEET SERVICES | 000035738 | $31,960.26 |
Police Department | General Supplies | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $81,165.32 |
Police Department | K-9/Impounded Dogs | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $25,639.27 |
Police Department | Miscellaneous | LEADSONLINE LLC | 000038662 | $16,211.00 |
Police Department | MPD - acting grant administrator for towns | CITY OF NASHUA - POLICE DEPARTMENT | 000035739 | $40,411.61 |
Police Department | Other Project Costs | AMOSKEAG HEALTH | 000001796 | $302,783.34 |
Police Department | Other Project Costs | INTERNATIONAL CRITICAL INCIDENT | 000041562 | $18,050.00 |
Police Department | Other Project Costs | KEENE STATE COLLEGE BEHAVIORAL | 000041186 | $121,762.26 |
Police Department | Other Project Costs | MANCHESTER HOUSING AND | 000001816 | $50,000.00 |
Police Department | Other Project Costs | MANCHESTER POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE | 000001826 | $104,914.26 |
Police Department | Other Project Costs | NEW ENGLAND COUNSELING SERVICES, LL | 000041951 | $36,298.81 |
Police Department | Other Project Costs | UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI | 000042921 | $34,337.60 |
Police Department | Other Services | ARAMARK FACILITIES | 000033297 | $76,982.96 |
Police Department | Other Services | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $21,008.36 |
Police Department | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD COMCAST CABLE COMM | 000039427 | $11,587.87 |
Police Department | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD TLO TRANSUNION | 000039427 | $11,659.15 |
Police Department | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD VZWRLSS APOCC VISB | 000039427 | $118,059.55 |
Police Department | Service Agreements | AXON ENTERPRISE, INC | 000038584 | $444,916.29 |
Police Department | Service Agreements | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $14,282.22 |
Police Department | Service Agreements | MAGNET FORENSICS LLC | 000041864 | $33,105.00 |
Police Department | Service Agreements | PILEUM CORPORATION | 000041125 | $100,000.00 |
Police Department | Service Agreements | SEACOAST MOTORCYCLES LLC | 000041577 | $19,500.00 |
Police Department | Special Projects | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $10,919.94 |
Police Department | Special Projects | ICOR TECHNOLOGY, INC | 000041335 | $66,912.32 |
Police Department | Staff Development | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $46,372.13 |
Police Department | Telephone | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $121,391.17 |
Police Department | Uniform Allowance | AAA POLICE SUPPLY | 000025383 | $33,152.74 |
Police Department | Uniform Allowance | MACH V GROUP, LLC | 000038443 | $33,717.27 |
Police Department | Uniform Allowance | NEPTUNE UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT, INC | 000002089 | $15,241.90 |
Senior Services | Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000002557 | $20,178.18 |
Senior Services | Senior Activities | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $18,246.93 |
Tax Collector's Office | Postage | US POSTAL SERVICE | 000040379 | $15,000.00 |
Tax Collector's Office | Service Agreements | AVITAR ASSOCIATES OF NE INC | 000032496 | $24,085.00 |
Welfare Department | Burial - Welfare | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $17,120.00 |
Welfare Department | Management Services | FAMILIES IN TRANSITION | 000001030 | $55,333.36 |
Welfare Department | Other Project Costs | MANCHESTER HOSPITALITY LLC | 000042909 | $10,709.00 |
Welfare Department | P-Card Transactions | P-CARD CREMATION SOCIETY AT N | 000039427 | $17,720.00 |
Welfare Department | Rent - Welfare | MANCHESTER HOSPITALITY LLC | 000042909 | $45,130.00 |