Water Works, 1932
The City's Charter implements the home rule powers recognized under the New Hampshire Constitution. A city's charter provides a vehicle for a municipality to adopt a form of government that best addresses local needs. Manchester's City Charter includes election, budgetary and other procedures relating to its form of government.
Manchester's City Charter was approved by the electorate on November 5, 1996.
TAX CAP LANGUAGE: On November 3, 2009, voters approved an amendment to the City Charter which provided for a cap on annual budget increases. The NH Supreme Court ruled the following year on November 11, 2010, that the cap was invalid. The NH Legislature passed legislation effective July 5, 2011, which retroactively authorized municipal tax and/or spending caps. The Board of Mayor later amended the cap language which was presented to voters as required by state law. Voters approved section 6.15 Limitation on Budget Increase of the City Charter on November 8, 2011, by more than 2,200 votes (7,203 - yes to 4,991 - no).