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Start Date/Time: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 1:00 PM
End Date/Time: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 3:00 PM
Recurring Event: Recurring Event Every 1 week(s) on Wednesday until 12/31/2025 (total 50 events)
Senior Recreation
Location: Wm B Cashin Senior Activity Center

What is Tock? Tock (also known as Tuck in some
English parts of Quebec and Atlantic Canada. Tock is a board game, similar to Sorry!, in which players race their four marbles around the game board from start to finish—the objective being to be the first to take all of one's tokens "home". Like Sorry!, it is played with playing cards rather than dice.  A Tock group is forming at the Senior Center on Wednesdays at 1pm beginning in May for those that want to join.