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Manchester Fire Department

The mission of the Manchester Fire Department is to provide the City of Manchester with superior customer service and integrated emergency response to any situation that threatens the life, safety and well being of people and property.

Vision Statement

Our goal is to continually strive for excellence and seek to improve the Fire Department through innovation, education, teamwork and open communication, making Manchester a safer place to live and be a source of pride for all.

Fire Department Divisions


The Administrative Office of the Fire Dept. is where you will find information on Fire Data, Emergency Management, Awards, History, and answers to any question concerning the Fire Department you may have.


The Communications Division is where you will find information on Fire Alarm permits, Listed Agent Program, Knox Program and our 800 Radio Frequencies.

Fire Prevention

The Fire Prevention Division is where you will find information on safety compliance standards, permits, self-help checklists, and general safety information.


The Training Division is where you will find information on Recruit Schools, education in the fire service, and calendar of events as they relate to the Division.

Fire Announcements and News

Contact Information

Manchester Fire Department
100 Merrimack Street
Manchester, NH 03101

Get Directions

Phone: (603) 669-2256

Fax: (603) 669-7707

Fire Prevention
Fax: (603) 665-6802

Fire Communications
Fax: (603) 622-2222

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Evening hours available by appointment

Website Shortcut:


Arson Tipline

Chief Ryan Cashin
Ryan J. Cashin