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Street Lights

Installation crews from Siemens, under the supervision of the Highway Division, have begun the process of replacing all City streetlights with energy efficient LED fixtures.  Approximately 9,000 fixtures will be converted over the next four months.

The installation process is starting in the southwest corner of Manchester in the neighborhoods off of Boynton Street and will progress towards the downtown.  Additional installation crews will be dispatched to the southeast, off of Brown Avenue, and to the northeast, near Wellington Road.  Work will concentrate on residential neighborhoods for the first two months before extending into the busier areas of the City.

Crews will focus on specific fixtures during the first phase of the installation process, so not every fixture will be replaced during the crews’ first pass-through.  All City streetlights will be converted by the conclusion of the project.

To report an existing street light that is out, please contact the Department of Public Works by email at streetlights@manchesternh.gov, or by using the Manchester, NH Connect app, or by calling the department at (603) 624-6444.

The map below shows the current status of the LED installation process.  Converted street lights are colored yellow.  Zoom in for more detail.