The Manchester Police Department’s SWAT Team was established in 1975 in order to address those particular incidents which exceed the capabilities of the Patrol and Investigative Divisions. The specific circumstances that would necessitate the services of the SWAT Team primarily consist of high risk incidents, which can take several forms ranging from a barricaded subjects or hostage situations to the execution of high risk narcotics search warrants.
Assignment to the SWAT Team is an ancillary duty in addition to the officer’s specific assignment within the police department. Under this design, each shift will have a number of SWAT officers assigned who will have the ability to immediately deploy as needed in addition to a 24hr on call status.

S.W.A.T Vehicle

S.W.A.T Team
The training each SWAT Team member receives is extensive, and members are constantly immersed in new tactics, procedures and trends based on local and national incidents. The composition of the team consists of an Entry Team, Sniper Unit, and Crisis Negotiators Unit which provide a vast array of versatility when attempting to meet the needs of a fluid and evolving situation. Each of the aforementioned units has leadership specifically assigned who work collectively with each other to achieve the overall goal of public safety and a peaceful resolution.