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Police Commission

The Manchester Police Commission is made up of 5 city residents who have a vested interest in the community as it relates to law enforcement. The commission meets once a month and is updated on divisional changes to include promotions, retirements, resignations, and new projects and goals the department is working on. Commissioners discuss their concerns with police and make recommendations from a civilian perspective.

Manchester Police Commission Info

Commission Meetings

Police Commission Meetings *Monthly: Usually, First Wednesday, at 9:00 a.m. *(No meeting in July, in most years) Call 792-5403 or email manchesterpd@manchesternh.gov to confirm the date and time of a meeting Location: Manchester Police Department 405 Valley Street, Manchester, NH 03103

Meeting Notices/Agendas are posted one week prior to each meeting at the City Clerk’s Office (City Hall), at the main City Library (Pine Street), social media, the home page of the Police Department’s website and Police Calendar

Police Commission Meeting Minutes

Display Files For The Following Year(s):  

Police Commission Members

John Cronin (Chairman)
Ward 1
1st term 10/6/20 – 09/15/23

2nd term 10/17/23 - 9/14/26

Eva Castillo (Clerk)
Ward 8
1st Term 09/15/20 – 09/14/23

2nd Term 10/17/23 - 9/14/26

John Mercier
Ward 1
1st Term 11/24/21 – 09/14/24

2nd Term 9/15/24 - 9/14/27

Gene Brown
Ward 2
1st Term 10/21/22 – 09/14/25

Paul Harrington

Ward 12
1st Term 9/15/24 – 09/14/27


CITY CHARTER (11/5/96)


  • (a) In order to provide citizen input to the city departments, the board of mayor and aldermen may establish commissions to consult, advise and make policy recommendations to the department heads and board of mayor and aldermen on matters appropriate to the department.
  • (b) Upon request of the board of mayor and aldermen or the department head, the commission may advise the board or the department head on specific matters referred to the commission.
  •  (c) The commission shall have no responsibility for personnel decisions or administration of the department unless otherwise required by state statute or this charter.
  •  (d) If specifically requested to do so by the mayor, the commission may serve as a nominating committee to recommend a candidate to the mayor for department head.
  • (e) Upon request of the board of aldermen the commission shall assume the policy making authority of the board of aldermen in accordance with Section 2.04 of this charter. The board of aldermen shall retain the right to rescind such action.

Contact Police Commission

Manchester Police Commission
 c/o Manchester Police Department
405 Valley Street
Manchester, NH 03101
