MPD Headquarters in 1932
The Manchester Police Department has a rich history that spans generations. In the summer of 2009 a Manchester Police Historical Committee was formed in order to explore and preserve the great history of the city’s police department. Committee members include active and retired police officers, interested civilians and other members of the community who share an appreciation for the agency’s past and who wish to explore and pay homage to the City of Manchester’s police force for historical preservation purposes.
One of the many goals the committee has focused on is the creation of a museum-quality historical display to exhibit inside Manchester Police Department Headquarters that can be viewed and enjoyed for years to come. This particular project involves the collection of photographs, newspaper articles, artifacts and other memorabilia that relate to the City’s Police force. Presently the Historical Committee is in the process of gathering such information.

MPD Headquarters built in 1976
Here are just a few of the historical facts that have been uncovered so far:
- MPD's first bicycle squad was organized in May of 1899.
- MPD's first assigned canine unit was "Teddy," a speedy bull terrier whose first takedown was-- a thieving newsboy -- came on July 6, 1905.
- For MPD officers working the night shift back in 1898, "It is the custom here for each officer to carry on his hip a wee bit of candle to which he strikes a match whenever it is necessary to have a little light on a given subject.
- MPD's first Greek police officer was Nick Langes. He joined the department on June 19, 1919, and by way of qualifications, Chief Michael Healy said, "he expected Nick to make a good officer as he is an expert wrestler and boxer and is well known to the Greek residents of Manchester.
- Did you know that Manchester police officers once ran the city's ambulance service?

MPD Headquarters built in 2013
In addition to the Headquarters’ display the committee plans to post items of historical interest on this website. As this project evolves, it is anticipated that committee members may need assistance from the public as they research data and collect items and artifacts of interest as they work on this important project. Any assistance (services, equipment, old MPD photographs, uniforms, monetary donations etc.) would be greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions in reference this project or wish to provide assistance to the committee please do not hesitate to contact Dave Dydo at Police Headquarters, 405 Valley St. Manchester, NH 03103, Tel. number 603-668-8711 ext. 5574 or via e-mail at ddydo@manchesternh.gov.