Printable Safety Tips
The Manchester Police Department Crime Prevention division is please to provide the following safety tips. Click on any link below for a printable document on how to keep yourself safe!
Crime Prevention Tips
Child Safety
Tips for Kids:
- If you are in a public place and get separated from your parents, don't walk around looking for them. Quickly go to the checkout counter, security office or the lost and found to tell them you need help finding your parents
- You should not get into a car or go anywhere with any person unless your parents have told you it is okay
- If someone follows you on foot or in a car, stay away -- don't go near to talk to them
- Grownups and other older people who need help should not be asking a child for help; they should be asking older people
- No one should be asking you for directions, or to look for a 'lost puppy', or telling you that your mother or father is in trouble and that he or she will take you to them
- If someone tries to take you somewhere, quickly get away from him or her and yell or scream, 'This person is trying to take me away' or 'This person is not my father or mother'
- You should try to use the 'buddy system' and never go places alone
- Always ask your parents' permission to leave the yard or play area or to go into someone's home
- Never hitchhike or try to get a ride home with anyone unless your parents have told you it is okay to ride with them
- No one should ask you to keep a special secret. If someone does, tell your parents
- You should say NO to anyone who tries to take you somewhere, touches you, or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way. You should tell your parents or an adult you trust.
Tips For Parents:
- Know where your children are at all times and be familiar with their friends
- Be sensitive to changes in your children's behavior. Changes can be a signal that you should sit down and talk to your children about what caused the changes
- Be alert to a teenager or adult who is paying an unusual amount of attention to your children or giving them expensive gifts
- Teach your children to trust their own feelings, and assure them that they have the right to say NO to what they sense is wrong
- Listen carefully to your children's fears, and be supportive in all your discussions
- Teach your children that no one should approach them or touch them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable, and if someone does, you want them to tell you
- Be careful about baby-sitters and others who take care of your children
- Teach your children their full name, address, area code and phone number and also the name and phone number of a relative
- Teach your children how to use the telephone, let them make long distance phone calls and show them how to dial 911 or '0'' to ask for help
- Teach your children not to play in isolated areas, to use the 'buddy system', and to yell 'HELP' instead of simply screaming
Talking About Drugs
- Tell your children that you love them and you want them to be happy and healthy. Say that you do not find alcohol and other illegal drug use acceptable. Many parents fail to state this simple fact. Explain that drug use hurts people. It can cause AIDS, impaired coordination, slowed growth, and emotional harm such as feelings of isolation or paranoia. It is also important to discuss the legal issues associated with drug and alcohol use because a conviction for a drug offense can lead to prison, loss of a job or college loan. Talk about positive, drug-free alternatives and explore them together. Some possibilities may include sports, reading, movies, bike rides, hikes, camping and games.
- Approach your children calmly and openly and do not exaggerate. Talk face to face. Try to understand each other's point of view. Be an active listener and let your child talk about fears and concerns while not interrupting or preaching. Establish an ongoing conversation rather than giving a one-time speech. It is also important that you set an example and avoid contradictions between your words and actions. To help your child deal with peer pressure, act out various situations in which one tries to convince the other to take drugs and come up with at least two ways to handle each situation.
- As parents, be alert to changes in your child's mood. Drug use may cause your child to become more irritable, secretive, withdrawn, overly sensitive, or inappropriately angry. In addition, your child may become less responsible by not going to school or coming home late. Watch for changes in friends or lifestyles. Physically, drugs may cause your child to concentrate less, lose coordination, and create an unhealthy appearance.
Crime Prevention for Businesses
- Be alert to your customers and surroundings, greet as many of them as possible
- A robber will be less likely to strike if the person thinks you would be able to provide a good physical description of him or her
- Beware of those who appear to be 'casing' the store out, they will pay more attention to the location of the register, alarms, doors, and exits and may use 'shifty and darty eye movements'
- Be totally unpredictable about moving money from the business to the bank, constantly change your time and routes
- Never let large amounts of money accumulate in the register
- Keep doors that lead to unauthorized areas locked
- Frequently check your alarm system
- Use 'Bait Money' or have the serial numbers of some bills recorded for evidence
- Never reopen your business for anyone after you closed
- Avoid wearing expensive jewelry and other items of great value
During a robbery
- Remain calm
- Obey commands
- Try to secretly set the alarm off
- Tell the robber something that might surprise him such as someone in the backroom or someone arriving soon
- Try to get a good idea of his physical appearance
- Note his/her 'method of operation' (techniques, procedures the robber used to carry out the crime) for the police
- Carefully watch the hand and arm movements of your customers
- Many potential shoplifters use abnormal eye and neck movements so beware of 'daring, shifting, and jittery' eyes
- Beware of customers who try to distract you, those who loiter, congregate in large groups and who carry open purses or large packages
- Potential shoplifters are unusually nervous, and may be startled when they are greeted
- Post warning signs that state your business vigorously watches for and prosecutes all shoplifters
- Follow suspected shoplifters to make them nervous but never attempt to physically or verbally confront them
Home Safety
General Tips
- Update Locks, use cylinder locks with a deadbolt feature
- Install a peephole and burglar alarm system
- Don't leave an extra key anywhere, make sure every family member has one
- Check before opening your door to anyone. Be wary of salespeople & solicitors
- Outside lighting is a good deterrent.
- o not leave tools or furniture out in yard or driveway
- When leaving for the evening, leave a light on, don't pull the shades down or leave a note indicating when you will return
- Close garage doors and secure patio doors
- Keep a list of serial numbers of appliances, radios and televisions
- Keep color photos and descriptions of jewelry, and art and other items
- Secure basement windows and make sure shrubs are cut low
Perform a Home Security Check
The following questions are provided to help you make a security check of your home. The check allows you to discover which parts of your home or daily habits make your residence a target for burglary.
- Are all outside doors in the house of metal or solid wood construction?
- Are all door frames strong enough and tight enough to prevent forcing or spreading?
- Are door hinges protected from removal from outside?
- Are there windows in any door or within 40 inches of the locks?
- Are all door locks adequate and in good repair?
- Can the locking mechanism be reached through a mail slot, or pet entrance?
- Is there a screen or storm door with an adequate lock?
- Are all entrances lighted with at least a 40 watt bulb?
- Can front entrance be observed from street or public areas?
- Does porch or landscaping offer concealment from view from street or public area?
- If there is a sliding glass door, is the sliding panel secured from being lifted out?
Entrances from Garage and Basement
- Are all entrances to living quarters from garage and basement made of metal or solid wood?
- Does door from garage to living quarters have locks adequate for exterior entrance?
- Does door from basement to living quarters have an adequate lock?
- Do all windows have adequate locks in operating conditions?
- Do windows have screens or storm windows that lock from inside?
- Do any windows open onto areas that may be hazardous or offer special risk to burglary?
- Do windows that open to hazardous areas have security screens or grills?
- Are exterior areas to windows free from concealing structures or landscaping?
- Is exterior adequately lighted at all window areas?
- Are trees and shrubbery kept trimmed back from windows?
- Are ladders kept outside the house where they are accessible?
Basement Doors and Windows
- Is there a door from outside to the basement?
- If so is that door adequately secured for an exterior door?
- Is outside basement entrance lighted by exterior light?
- Is outside basement door concealed from street or neighbors?
- Are all basement windows adequately secured against entry?
Garage Doors and Windows
- Is garage door equipped with an adequate lock and exterior light?
- Is garage door kept closed and locked at all times?
- Are garage windows secured and all tools and ladders kept inside?
Going on Vacation
- Stop all deliveries - mail, newspapers
- Don't discuss your absence in public
- Use clock timers on lights and radios
- Have your lawns mowed and move valuables away from windows
- Arrange for your neighbor to inspect your property periodically
- Leave a key with your neighbor and not in a hiding place
- Call police to tell them when you are leaving and returning, be sure to leave names and numbers of people to call in case of a problem
- Check and double check all windows and doors and also basement windows and garage doors before leaving
How to Prevent a Home Burglary
- Invest in solid doors and good quality locks on doors and windows. This includes on all sliding glass doors as well. Make it not only difficult and time consuming for a burglar to gain entry.
- Whenever you go outside, lock the door and take the key with you, even if you are just stepping next door or out mowing the back yard.
- Don't put valuables where they can be seen from the window, especially items that can be easily carried.
- Be sure your garage door can be secured. Do not leave it open when you are away; an empty garage broadcasts your absence.
- When you aren't home, use a timer set to turn interior lights on and off at varying intervals as though your home was still occupied.
- Don't keep large amounts of cash or really valuable jewelry around the house.
- If someone comes to your door asking to use the telephone, make the call yourself. Don't invite them in.
- Don't hide a spare key under the door mat or under a flower pot. Thieves know all the good hiding places.
- Plant thorny bushes under all windows. Trim back any trees or shrubs near doors and windows to eliminate hiding places for would-be thieves.
- Invest in a good security system along with motion sensor lights installed out of reach
- Don't leave ladders outside. Keep any tools that could be used to break in your home safely locked away in a garage or shed.
- Always double check doors at night and lock all windows.
- Engrave all valuables such as stereos, microwaves, video cameras, etc. with your driver's license number.
- Videotape the contents of your home. Keep the video and the list of all valuables in a safe place, such as a safety deposit box.
Homeland Security National Threat Advisory
For more information on the current national threat level, please visit

Identity Theft Information
For more information on identity theft please visit