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Inspection Info

The structural division inspectors (with the exception of the Plans Examiner) are in the office Monday through Friday from 8:00-9:00 AM and 4:00-4:30 PM.  Requests for structural inspections can be scheduled by emailing the appropriate inspector at the above times.  Please include your approved permit/application number and address of the project in your email.

Structural Division

Plans Examiner: Karl Franck - KFranck@ManchesterNH.gov or Call at (603) 792-6753

Building Inspector: Don Veilleux - DVeilleux@ManchesterNH.gov
Electrical Inspector: Mark Belanger - MBelanger@ManchesterNH.gov
Mechanical Inspector: Dennis Page - DPage@ManchesterNH.gov
Plumbing Inspector: Joe Vaillancourt - JVaillancourt@ManchesterNH.gov

Code Enforcement Officers (with the exception of the Code Enforcement Supervisor) are in the office Monday through Friday from 8:00-9:00 AM and 4:00-5:00 PM.

Code Enforcement Division

Code Enforcement Supervisor: Kevin Dionne - KDionne@ManchesterNH.gov or Call (603) 792-6745

Code Enforcement Officers:
Paul Auger - PAuger@ManchesterNH.gov
Matt Cogswell - MCogswell@ManchesterNH.gov
Stacy DiSabato - SDiSabato@ManchesterNH.gov
Denise Dube - DDube@ManchesterNH.gov
Ben Parkin - BParkin@ManchesterNH.gov

Concentrated Code Enforcement Inspectors:
Fred McLeod - FMcLeod@ManchesterNH.gov
Tory Sykes - TSykes@ManchesterNH.gov

Zoning Review Officers are in the office Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Zoning Review Officers:
Glenn Gagne - GGagne@ManchesterNH.gov
Jim Tierney - JTierney@ManchesterNH.gov