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Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Policy

The City of Manchester FMLA Policy has been developed to provide a detailed explanation of the Federal FMLA law, and the process and procedures implemented by the City to administer the FMLA in compliance with the law. The policy has been updated to include:

  • Incorporation of the military-related leaves (Military Caregiver Leave for active duty service members and veterans; Qualifying Exigency Leave when a family member is deployed in support of a contingency operation)
  • Exclusion of approved Worker’s Comp absences from being designated as FMLA leave
  • Substitution of the City’s FMLA Notice/Eligibility and Medical Certification forms with the US Department of Labor FMLA forms (the City’s FMLA Request form is still in effect)

Other sections of the City FMLA Policy provide more explanation and clarification of both the employer’s and employee’s rights and responsibilities under the FMLA statutes and regulations (which can be somewhat complex and difficult to understand). Questions should be directed to the FMLA Administrator in Human Resources.

FMLA Forms: