Weekly Water Sample Results
In accordance with NH RSA 485-A, Class B waters, those acceptable for fishing, swimming and other recreational purposes, shall not have greater than an average of 88 Escherichia coli (E-coli) per 100 milliliters of water.
When water sample results are greater than an average of 158 E-coli per 100 milliliters, the Manchester Health Department may close the area to swimming until the levels are acceptable. We have listed the current E-coli per 100 milliliter reading below the image of the Natural Bathing location.
Camp Carpenter
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Lake Right Side: <1
Lake Left Side: <1
Crystal Lake -
Melody Pines
Collection Date:
E. Coli per 100 ml
Lake Right Side: 7
Lake Left Side: 31
Crystal Lake -
Public Beach
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Lake Right Side: 11
Lake Left Side: 7
Merrimack River -
Arms Park
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Single Sample: 68
Merrimack River -
Fisher Cat Ramp
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Single Sample: 58
Merrimack River -
Chauncy Ave.
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Upstream: 7
Downstream: 9
Merrimack River -
Front Street
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Single Sample: 5
Piscataquog River -
Boat Launch/Trestle
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Single Sample: 461
Piscataquog River -
Upland Street
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Lake Right Side: 12
Lake Left Side: 76
Piscatoquog River -
Piscataquog River Park
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Single Sample: 24
Pine Island Pond -
Pine Island Park
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Single Sample: 19
Piscatoquog River -
Bass Island
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Single Sample: 99
Merrimack River -
Fisher Cat CSO
Collection Date
E. Coli per 100 ml
Singe Sample: 129
Merrimack River
Amoskeag Falls Marina
No longer Testing |
The Division permits over 60 beaches, indoor and outdoor pools, and spas annually. Each public bathing facility is inspected during the year by our Environmental Health Staff. Our Environmental Health Specialists are all Certified Pool Operators (CPO), the National Standard for the industry.
From our understanding of disease transmission, it is well known that contacting or ingesting contaminated water has been linked to diarrheal illnesses as well as ear, skin and other infections. In an effort to prevent disease, indoor pools and spas are inspected at least twice per year; outdoor pools are inspected prior to opening for the season then once per season, and natural bathing areas once a month during the open season. If significant issues are found upon inspection the facility may be closed "on the spot".
The focus of these inspections is upon water quality and bather safety. In addition, weekly water samples are taken at natural bathing areas across the City. Bodies of water such as Crystal Lake, the Piscataquog and Merrimack Rivers, Pine Island and Long Ponds are monitored to ensure that pathogenic bacteria do not pose a hazard to swimmers. The Division continues to work with other City, State and Federal agencies in the protection of these natural resources.
The Manchester Health Department inspects swimming and bathing facilities to determine compliance with rules promulgated by the NH Department of Environmental Services under authority of Chapter 485-A of the NH Revised Statues Annotated. Copies of the "New Hampshire Public Bathing Facility Rules" (Env Wq-1100) are on file at the Manchester Health Department or are available from the NH Department of Environmental Services, 6 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301 or go to NH Public Bathing Facility Rules for a copy.
An application to operate a public bathing place must be made prior to opening the bathing area and should be made on a form provided for this purpose. A facsimile of the application is provided it can be found in the forms section below.
Inspections are recorded on an inspection report of which a copy is left with the operator. If facilities are found to pose an immediate risk to the public, then the Environmental Health Specialist will order the owner or operator to close the facilities until such time as a reinspection finds conditions satisfactory.
City Ordinance
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