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Refugee Health Program


All refugees coming to the US should have a comprehensive health screening within 90 days of their arrival. Within two weeks of arrival all refugees who are resettling in Manchester are seen at the Manchester Health Department for an initial assessment by a community health nurse. The Manchester Health Department's Refugee Health Program includes the following components:

Initial Health Assessment and Tuberculosis Testing

A community health nurse conducts a preliminary health screening and screens for tuberculosis. New arrivals who have positive TB tests receive further testing and follow-up. If medication is indicated, community health nurses collaborate closely with the new arrival and her/his health care provider.

Medical Evaluation

Refugee clients are scheduled for a medical evaluation with a primary care physician through arrangements made by the resettlement agency. The Manchester Health Department works closely with resettlement agencies and local health providers to ensure refugees are assessed for conditions of public health significance.


Refugee clients receive an assessment of their immunization history and status. Immunizations are given to bring both adults and children in compliance with US standards.

Lead Screenings

Many refugee families resettle in pre-1950 center city housing which may place children at increased risk for lead exposure. Refugee children aged sixteen years of age and under are screened for lead at the time of arrival and re-screened within 90 days.