Services offered by the Manchester Health Department are listed by program on the right side of this page and on the navigation on the left under the heading "Services".
Should you have questions about a service that is not listed, please check the Health Resource Manual or contact us at 603-624-6466.
Health Department's Programs and Services Brochure
Manchester Annual Resource Guide 2024-2025
The Manchester Health Department releases its 2024-2025 Annual Resource Guide! It can be accessed through the link below.
Annual Resource Guide 2024-2025
This Guide replaces our former annual Winter Resource Guide and provides not only local winter resources but also contact information and listings for many needed resources including healthcare and prescription services, food and clothing assistance, employment and transportation needs, mental health and substance use treatment, veteran and senior services, refugee and immigrant supports, housing and legal assistance, and recreational activities.
Manchester Food Resource Guide 2024-2025
The Manchester Health Department has created its first annual Food Resource Guide for 2024-2025! It can be accessed through the link here:
Food Resource Guide 2024-2025
The Food Resource Guide provides residents, community organizations and others with a listing of Manchester resources for food assistance, public food pantry locations, community gardens, and more!
Manchester Proud Compass 
The Compass is Manchester’s source of information to connect you with youth programs, health and mental health services, basic needs, educational and other resources for students and families. Visit the Compass here.