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Permits and Licenses

Abrasive Paint Removal Permit

Abrasive paint removal including sand blasting, requires a permit to help in the prevention of lead hazards. This is applicable to interior and exterior abrasive paint removal projects. This form must be completed and approved prior to beginning work.

Daycare Facility Request For Inspection

The division inspects child care centers in Manchester as part of the State licensing process. Obtain the necessary paper work (Health Officer Report for Childcare Programs) from the State Childcare Licensing Division (603) 271-4624.  Contact the Environmental Health Division to schedule an inspection. 

Foster Care

The Division conducts inspections of residences for the Division of Child Youth and Families. Obtain the necessary paper work (Foster Family Home Health Inspection Report) from the division of Child Youth and Families (603) 271-4711. There is no fee for this service.  

Food Permit Forms

Prior to application for a food service permit, floor plans including equipment specifications, must be provided. Please provide these plans in accordance with items listed in Food Service Facility Plan Requirements. Additionally, signatures from other city agencies are required on the Food Permit Sign-Off Form, showing compliance with applicable codes. The Health Department will issue a food service permit only after completion of this form and a final inspection. Food Service Facility Permit Application details the fee schedule. Please contact the division with any questions regarding which class your establishment may fall under.

Mobile Food Permit

The Health Department licenses all mobile canteen trucks and "hot dog" carts. Contact the City Clerk at 603-624-6455 for more information on areas of the city that may have restrictions on operation. The use of a licensed commissary or equivalent is required for some establishments. 

Temporary Food Permit

Individuals interested in procuring a permit to operate a temporary food establishment (e.g. at an outdoor concert or event) are advised to apply at least two weeks prior to the event in order for the Health Department to have sufficient time to process a permit application. 

Public Health Education

Bacteria that cause foodborne illness like to crash potlucks and parties, and they don't usually leave their calling card until the party is over. Although you can't see, taste, or smell them, you can sure feel them when you get sick hours or days later! Follow the storage, sanitation, and cooking tips in this handout to keep these uninvited guests away from your next get-together. This handout is designed for small groups (not serving foods for the public) like office, church or social gatherings.


Homestead Food Operations in Manchester, NH

In the City of Manchester, NH, all food service operations that prepare food for the public must be conducted in a permitted commercial kitchen. 'Homestead' or residential kitchen operations are not permitted unless they meet specific health and safety conditions outlined in the locally adopted food code (NH Rules for the Sanitary Production and Distribution of Food (He-P2300)), as referenced in the City of Manchester Code of Ordinances Chapter 117. Additionally, these operations must comply with local building, zoning, fire, and business regulations. Residential kitchens typically do not meet these standards. For those interested in starting a food business, we encourage exploring options such as partnering with a permitted commissary kitchen or working with a facility that holds the appropriate permits. For further guidance on permitting requirements, please contact the Manchester Health Department's Environmental Health Branch at (603) 624-6466.


City Ordinance