Marriage License
Anyone wishing to be married in the State of New Hampshire must complete a Marriage License Application with any City or Town Clerk regardless of their place of residence. Once the marriage license is issued, the couple is free to marry within any city or town in the State of New Hampshire within 90 days.
Application Procedure
Both individuals must appear at the same time between 8 am-3 pm (no later) in the Office of the City Clerk. However, if either party (or both) is a member of the armed forces, he or she shall forward an affidavit of marriage intentions, prepared by the armed forces legal representative, to the City Clerk, if he or she cannot appear in person.
Identification Requirements: (no photo or electronic copies)
- Proof of age (example - driver's license, passport, certified birth certificate)
- Photo identification (example - driver's license or passport)
- Certified copy of a death certificate of a former spouse, if either applicant is widowed
- Certified copy of a final divorce decree, if either applicant is divorced
- Certified copy of a civil annulment decree, if the applicant's previous marriage was annulled (This is a court document).
Documents that are not in English must be accompanied by a translation that has been signed by the translator. A notary must witness the translator's signature.
An individual who has reached the age of 18 can marry. NH RSA 457:4
Marriage is not permitted in New Hampshire between people who are related by blood as first cousins or in any more direct lineage.
Marriage may be performed by:
- A Justice of the Peace commissioned in New Hampshire
- A minister of the gospel in New Hampshire who has been ordained to the usage of his denomination, resides in New Hampshire and is in regular standing with the denomination
- A minister within his parish, residing outside New Hampshire, but having a pastoral charge wholly or partly in New Hampshire
- Jewish Rabbis who are citizens of the United States and reside in this state
- Quakers
- A deacon in the Roman Catholic Church ordained according to the usage of his denomination
- Judges of the United States, a US magistrate judge residing in this state pursuant to federal law, a clergyman who are not ordained, and non-resident Justices of the Peace, ministers and Jewish Rabbis, after being licensed by the Secretary of State.
The fee to apply for a marriage license is $50.00. Payment can be made with cash, check, or credit card. Please make checks payable to the City of Manchester. Please note that if you use a credit card, there is an additional fee of $1.95 or 2.75% of the transaction amount (whichever is greater).
Waiting Period
There is no waiting period in the State of New Hampshire.
Validity of License
The license is valid for use for 90 days from the date of the application.
Any person shall be guilty of a Class B Felony if he/she willfully and knowingly makes any false statements on an application for a certified copy of a vital record (NH RSA 126.24).
Marriage Ceremonies
We are happy to offer wedding ceremonies here at City Hall for couples who would simply like to exchange vows.
If you already have a valid NH marriage license:
- You can come into our office anytime between the hours of 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM (no later) with your valid NH marriage license.
- No appointment is necessary as it is first come, first served.
- You can either exchange vows in front of the Justice of the Peace (JP) at our front counter or you can have a ceremony outdoors (weather permitting) or in a separate room (if available).
- No witnesses are required, however, you are more than welcome to bring a small group of guests with you.
- The total cost is $250 ($235 for the JP and $15 for your marriage certificate). We accept cash, check and credit card. Please note that if you use a credit card, there is an additional fee of $1.95 or 2.75% of the transaction amount (whichever is greater).
If you want to get your marriage license and get married the same day:
- You can come into our office anytime between the hours of 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM (no later). Plan to be here between 45 minutes to an hour depending on how busy we are and keep this in mind if you are bringing guests with you as our lobby is very small.
- No appointment is necessary as it is first come, first served.
- If it is the first marriage for both of you, a picture identification (driver’s license or U.S. passport) is the only document you will need to bring. If you have been married previously, you will also need to bring a certified copy of your divorce decree. If you are widowed, you will also need to bring a certified copy of a death certificate. You will fill out the marriage worksheet, which usually takes between 15-20 minutes, and the JP will print out the marriage license for you to review.
- Once the marriage license is complete, you can either exchange vows in front of the JP at our front counter or you can have a ceremony outdoors (weather permitting) or in a separate room (if available).
- No witnesses are required, however, you are more than welcome to bring a small group of guests with you.
- The total cost for this service is $300 ($50 for the marriage license, $235 for the JP services and $15 for your certified marriage certificate). We accept cash, check and credit card. Please note that if you use a credit card, there is an additional fee of $1.95 or 2.75% of the transaction amount (whichever is greater).
- Please be advised that we only allow service dogs in the building; no comfort/emotional support animals.
If a disability-related accommodation, sign language interpreter, or materials in other formats should be required, please contact our office at 603-624-6455.

How do I change my name after marriage?
Effective January 1, 2015, upon entering into marriage, each party must indicate on the marriage license worksheet the party's name after marriage. Either party may retain or change his or her surname to the surname of the other party. Changed surnames may be a hyphenated combination of both surnames. If a party requests a surname change on the marriage license worksheet that party may also change his or her middle name to his or her surname prior to the marriage.