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Manchester Health Department - About Us

Established in 1839, the City of Manchester Health Department (MHD) is an innovative and proactive local health department grounded in the principles and application of the core public health functions. Over fifty full and part-time staff work within five Branches and Teams: Environmental Public Health/Emergency Response, Infectious Disease, Public Health and Safety Team, Neighborhood and Family Health, and Healthy Aging.

With a total budget of over $10,000,000 and 85% of its revenue from outside funds, the MHD has a strong fiscal track record and capacity to develop resources beyond the municipal budget. In 2016, with MHD leadership serving as a backbone for the community, the City of Manchester was one of seven communities selected to receive the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s “Culture of Health Prize”.

The MHD serves as the fiscal agent for the federally qualified health center (FQHC)  mobile community health team in partnership with Catholic Medical Center. 

The MHD also partners with Makin It Happen to promote a recovery ready culture and to build resiliency among the City’s and region’s youth, families and neighborhoods with a focus on substance misuse prevention and mental wellness.

Lastly, the Department strives to be the “chief health strategist” of the Manchester community and a high achieving local governmental health department that balances the provision of traditional public health services with more “upstream” strategies which focus on the social determinants of health across priority neighborhoods and targeted populations.

Please view our organizational chart and contact information for our senior leaders.

To view our Mission, Vision,and Guiding Principles

Manchester Health Department is accessible via the FREE "Green Dash" bus route. Follow this link for Green Dash route page.

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Contact Information

Manchester Health Department
1528 Elm Street
Manchester, NH 03101

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Phone: (603) 624-6466

Administration Fax:
(603) 624-6584

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Evening hours available by appointment

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