The City of Manchester has many trails available for a variety of recreational uses. The following parks have trails contained within them:
- Livingston Park: The unpaved walking and running trail loops around Dorr's Pond, is approximately 10' wide and 0.9 miles long. The trail includes elevated boardwalks through wetlands and access to fishing and boating.
- Piscataquog River Park: There is an unpaved .60 mi trail along the Piscataquog River intended for walking and running.
- Blodget Park: Narrow, unpaved hiking trails run along the South bank of Black Brook. The Master Plan has incorporated a trail network similar to the trail at Livingston Park, with a wider, stone-dust path and elevated boardwalks through wetland areas.
- Crystal Lake: Narrow, unpaved hiking trails run through the wooded area surrounding Crystal Lake. Phase IV of the Crystal Lake Master Plan incorporates wider, more well-defined walking trails along the existing trail path to connect the adjacent neighborhoods.
- Derryfield Park: Derryfield Park is the home to a cross-country course, which consists of 10' wide gravel trails up the back side of McIntyre Ski Area. The course is 5k (3.2 mi).
- Pine Island Park: Pine Island Park offers approximately 0.34 mi of unpaved trails along Pine Island Pond for walking and hiking and access to fishing spots.
- Stark Park: Stark Park contains both paved and unpaved walking trails. The paved paths meander through the park's open space and connect to narrow, un-paved trails that continue into the wooded area and connect with the Heritage Trail.
The City of Manchester is also working to further develop a trail network to connect to neighboring communities by constructing recreational trails along abandoned railroad corridors.
The following four trails are in various stages of planning and development:

A local non-profit group, Manchester Moves, is committed to assisting Manchester in the development of their trail network. Additional information on their efforts and organization can be found on their website: http://www.manchestermoves.org/